You Know You Have PsA When

This is a fun thread. Does anyone else here hoard old shoes? I hate new shoes, I hate breaking in new shoes. Sometimes I can wear newer shoes, but sometimes sneaky foot swelling comes back and I have to get out my old trusties. I completely wore the tread off some of my old sneakers and they finally fell apart. I have become the master of repairing even cheap shoes because I can't bear the thought of new ones. I was recently thrilled when I figured a way to patch my 4 year old gray "dress" flats with gray nail polish as some of the pleather coating started to fall of, LOL.

I have two pair of 10 year old Crocs! Haven’t wore them out yet. Sure would love to have orange ones, butMario Batali is the only person that gets them.

You know when you have PsA because most of the pictures you post online are taken from your bed. Case in point here's my cat watching a video of humming birds while I watched Justified. For some reason she got the bigger screen!

You know you have PSA when you sound like a bowl of Rice Crispies whenever you get up....or walk....or stretch! :)

Love these posts!

You know you have PsA when have several sizes of shoes to choose from depending on level of swelling and/or how many pairs of socks you're wearing to keep your feet warm. give up and put your bed in the living room so you can be involved more in the everyday goings on in your household.