Why is my thyroid level so low?

Today, I got my lab results that show my thyroid level is EXTREMELY low: my TSH level is .17 and the normal range is .45 - 4.5.

I had Graves' disease and had my thyroid obliterated with radiation 15 years ago and I've been taking the same synthroid dose for 15 years. I get my TSH levels checked regularly. I don't know what has caused this drop.

Anyone have any ideas? Is something affecting the absorption of the synthroid - I take it in the morning on an empty stomach and don't take any vitamins until hours later. I have been taking pepto bismol some mornings for an upset stomach.

I just looked up the ingredients of the Trader Joe's Whey Protein mix I've been drinking in the morning and it includes calcium and iron - both can reduce the absorption of synthroid.

Frances I'm glad that you found a cause. I hope you get your thyroid back under control and feel a lot better!

Remember, though: a LOW TSH means high thyroid hormones, and a HIGH TSH means low hormones. TSH, which is a pituitary hormone, tells the thyroid what to do. If your thyroid is sluggish, TSH goes up, telling it to get its butt in gear. If your thyroid is getting a little too busy, TSH drops, telling it to back off. If anything, you may be headed a bit towards the hyper side, and may need to reduce your Synthroid. Check with your endocrinologist or PCP and have your free T3 and free T4 checked. I'm sure you remember what it feels like to go hyper. If you are symptomatic, act fast.

It is possible for some thyroid tissue to regenerate long after RAI. Who knows why, it just happens. For what it's worth, I have mild Graves' and my TSH has been reading <.007. Yours is low, but it could go much further down!

Thanks Louise ! It's been so long since I read a TSH lab result I forgot that a low TSH level means high thyroid hormone - so I should be hyper, yet I easily sleep 14 hours on the weekends and am fatigued. I'm going to a new rheumy on Friday, will be interesting what he says.

Does anyone know if any arthritis meds can mess with synthroid medicine?

Hi Frances,

I'm new here and your post struck a cord with me. Not sure if I should write a new post. Anyway, I hope that your medication issue is resolved taking into account the absorption.

I started having hypothyroid ranges above 5 about a year ago. When they reached 12 with this last test the doctor put me on a low dose of levothyroxine (25mcg?) . Long story short after five days I was an irritable bitch and felt like my heart would explode through my chest. I was hoping for good energy and got icky negative side effects. For now I'm off the med until my next doctor visit. I guess TSH of 12 is high but not critical. From what I have seen scouring the net, there's a ton of misinformation mixed in with basic but not thorough information from reputable websites like mayo and pub med. I guess, I'll just have to wait to see what the doctor says.

The idea of taking a disagreeable pill for the rest of my life sounds sucky, considering all the disagreeable crap I have to do already. I guess my question is, if you had side effects and did they go away after a time? were any of your side effects like mine? Oh I was also having horrible sweating that would start and stop for no apparent reason.

Anyway, hope things go better for you. Any advice would be welcome.

After they obliterated my thyroid and I started taking Synthroid, I've had no side effects, absolutely none. I don't understand why you became irritable? It takes a long while for the med to bring change your TSH levels also. So, I'm surprised that you noticed an effect after 5 days, but everyone is different.

another thing I thought was that maybe my thyroid is still sputtering before it poops out completely and the med just caused it to react somehow- I see my rhuem in early august. Hopefully he can explain things. Thanks for you input. Also, should I have written a new post? I read that you should try to find related posts before posting a new post, so I don't know.

You should see an endocrinologist for your thyroid. I doubt a rheumy knows much about treating hypothyroidism. I'm going to an endocrinologist to get my levels corrected.

Hi Frances…if something was interfering with the absorption of synthroid, surely your TSH would go up, not down.

You are correct Cooper. I got it mixed up. A low TSH means I my thyroid is HYPER not hypo.
Cooper s said:

Hi Frances...if something was interfering with the absorption of synthroid, surely your TSH would go up, not down.