What helpful things do you do physically and emotionally when you are in a flare that is not responding to much?

This is not to whitewash flare-ups, but to see how you all use positive coping mechanisms when you have a bad flare. I personally keep busy to distract myself from the pain, and take extra naps as the fatigue is so much worse. I can't do my normal hobbies, but I call my new friend down the street who has MS and have a 1/2 hour coffee break with her. It's interesting that she and I seem to have set-backs at similar times. It's nice to have someone who understands. When we are not in flare-ups, we walk in the neighborhood. Depending on how we feel we can do up to 2.25 miles at a relaxed pace. Sometimes we can only make it one block and have to turn around, but we do try. If it weren't for her, I'd not be as inspired to go. My dogs keep me on pace too. There is no sleeping in with 2 pugs who are on a schedule. I homeschool, so more independent study assignments were given because I did not have the energy to do our normal "together school" sessions. I saved my energy for my mini-co-op on Wed and today. I'm taking Tramadol, which adds to my sleepiness, but it helps more with the flare-levels of pain than the Gabapentin. I think that fall is a flare-up time for me now that I look back. I don't know if it's the stress of this time of year, combined with weather, and the time change that does it, or what?!