What Can I Do? I feel like I am circling the drain. I could use a pep talk!


I was going to try Arava and methotrexate and then the price of MTX went through the roof. I am uninsured so I couldn't swing the cost. Do a little research as the combo really needs a close look at blood tests. But I was told that it can be very effective for some. I am on Orencia off label as well (I get it for free from their patient assistance program). I do the SubQ injections and it is finally starting to get me some relief. My psoriasis is back so it isn't helping with that at all, it seems to have returned once I stopped the MTX. Since I can't afford MTX I am on Imuran. I will be back on MTX once I get insurance coverage again. If MTX alone isn't cutting it I will try the Arava and MTX combo along with the Orencia.

I hope you find that sweet spot where the meds give you some quality of life. Enjoy your art, it brightens the soul.

mimiB said:

"Hi Debbie, do you take Arava ? I noticed this paper was for RA, but hey, I am willing to try anything to get relief. The Orencia is being used on me off-label. That is so cool that you used to own a bead shop ! Thanks for the compliments on my work. I love tie-dye and birkenstocks too :)"

Just an FYI I wear Birks.

With socks while sipping a wheat grass smoothie, I have no doubt Lamb! I just knew it!

Lol, Michael!!! We all knew he was a hippie! Snicker, snort, cackle

Am I loosing it? I swear I have seen several people say that they can’t afford MTX. My insurance won’t cover the injectable, so I pay out of pocket, but I swear its not more than 40 a month. Maybe my pharmacist cuts me a deal (I wouldn’t put it past him).

I do not know what that is about. I pay $10 and my insurance paid 17.50. I get four vials with 2ml/50 mg. I don't get it.

I think it is true, Lamb is a closet hippie! Wearing tie die with his birkies and socks when no one is looking! Heehee.

The pills are what I was getting for MTX and my last refill for 350 pills (tree month supply) was about $475.00. I checked every pharmacy in town. The price keeps going up.


You can see the injectable is still cheap, the pills are through the roof.

Why not inject? Not only is it cheaper, but fewer side effects AND more bang per mg. I switched ti IM from sub Q and can not belive the difference it msde.

BTW i not is in my head they did a study during the recent shortage. If anyone ise is intrested I'll find it.

I wear the dundee style its cold up here:



I love your Dundees Lamb! Now your styling in the footwear with the rest of us! You go!

Well..... The injectable had a shortage, then the price went back to normal. Then the pills had a shortage and the price is through the roof. PriceFixing? I am tired these days.I'll deal with it when I have insurance again (Please Obamacare - get me insured in January).

I lost my Birkenstocks in the Great Divorce of 2010. It really rains too much here to replace them, but in spirit I am wearing them with the rest of you.

I ma wearing Naot at the moment but I get your drift!

I see now. Deb, your doc seems to work with you. Would she switch you to injections instead. They don’t hurt for sub cutaneous a bit. The drug and the needles should run about 40 a month. Thanks for responding. I thought I was loosing it!

Yes Grumpy, I see her tomorrow and could switch. I still have a lot of imuran I would want to use up first. I already do SubQ for the Orencia and IM for the Toradol. I am an injection queen!

Glad to hear it. I thought you already injected, but couldn’t remember for sure. It is so great that you have such a good rapport with your doc. That’s hard to find.

debbie said:

Yes Grumpy, I see her tomorrow and could switch. I still have a lot of imuran I would want to use up first. I already do SubQ for the Orencia and IM for the Toradol. I am an injection queen!

I have had a terrible rapport with a few docs, I guess I had to get lucky sooner or later. I fired my rheum. My current doc is actually a FNP and she rocks. She'll spend half an hour at an appointment if I need it. She double checks everything on her computer or in a diagnostic book. She treats everything for me, not just my PsA and AS. One stop shopping. I consider her a friend. I see her at a social fellowship we both belong to - every week. I have her number and can text her anytime with questions. I really don't see how the situation can be any better. She says that once my disease gets to be too much for her to manage she will refer me out to another rheum. So far she is doing a great job!

I am blessed.

That is really cool. NPs are pretty awesome. They give a different kind of care. I am biased though!

We should probably stop hijacking Mimi’s post now!

That is fantastic Debbie!

My primary is a PA (Physician's Assistant) and she's caught several important things related to my health that other docs shrugged off (like Vitamin D deficiency, GERD which other docs thought was a heart problem, etc).

I love it when someone gets lucky with a great medical practitioner of any kind.

So sorry you’re hurting so badly, definitely call the doc. There’s not anything I can add to the advice you already have here. But wow girl, you have achieved so much in such a short time, that’s fantastic! Keeping my fingers crossed for you to get some relief soon. Sending my love and hugs to you <3 <3

Good call Marietta, I’ve never even thought if using that type of product my spica splints have caused my more pain sometimes as they are too restrictive, thanks x

Marietta said:


I hear you on the splinting and braces. They make me feel worse (except for my IMAK compression gloves). What I’ve found works for me is K-T Tape http://www.kttape.com/ The tape is cloth-like, but VERY stretchy.

It is used by athletes, who need support, but still need full flexibility. There are videos on the site of how to apply for all different body parts. I use the “Pro” tape, it holds for 2 whole days. I was able to purchase mine at a large sporting goods store. I think it is 50 strips for $20. I also like that it doesn’t inhibit clothes in any way, as it is SUPER thin, and doesn’t make weird crunching or squeaking noises like a knee or elbow brace can :slight_smile: