Went off my medication


I went off my Enbrel injections about 4 months ago I started to wack on the weight about 5 kgs and after a while I started to stiffen up again decided to go off it if it was not going to be effective so I stayed on the 20mg of methatrexate once a week and have managed ok of course I have had my times of starting to drag myself around, then 3weeks ago i stopped my methatrexate due to financial reasons,first week was ok then slowly I started getting worse until the pain became unbearable right thru my body did'nt matter what i was doing whether I even when was bed doing nothing, i could'nt bear the pain anymore and went back on the methatrexate on monday I realise how much it is doing for me I will never go off it again and I have decided to give the Enbrel injection another go and understanding that I am going to still have good times and bad times even on the medications and not to expect a miracle cure, I realise quality of life is what is important , it has given me a different perspective

It definitely gives you a different perspective, doesn't it? I went off Enbrel for only a few weeks and the difference was quite dramatic. Many with PsA that is controlled (mostly) by medications continue to have flares and experience weather-related pain and stiffness....as well as experience fatigue and other symptoms.

I had to reply to this, I went off humira for about 3 months as I had a lot of other issues for example
High blood pressure, fast heart rate, extreme fatigue, fluid retention and weight gain, I was sick of everyone saying, that all my problems were due to humeria, I knew it wasn’t so anyway I went off it and no difference to other conditions but my joints,
Every one in my body ached really bad, so back to rgymy, got my kenalog shot and back on humira, and I will never come off it again, the condition is so
Disabling, I will never go back to that state again, hope everything works out for you,
Sheila x

nym said:

It definitely gives you a different perspective, doesn’t it? I went off Enbrel for only a few weeks and the difference was quite dramatic. Many with PsA that is controlled (mostly) by medications continue to have flares and experience weather-related pain and stiffness…as well as experience fatigue and other symptoms.

I went off Humira for about 4 months last year,to see how I would do without it. The pain worsened and my skin conditions got much worse. When I went back on Humira, it took about 3 months to get back to where I had been before I stopped it. Lesson learned! My rhuemy said that PsA people usually have this happen, though some with rheumatoid arthritis can take H “vacations” with few side effects.

Hi everyone,

I experienced no good results from SZ or MX, but am feeling some from the Enbrel, I have felt the disease come on strong though. Something is 'knocking me down' at present though, and it could be from A/C exposure, even though I have not had it on, even blowing from another room. I do believe I read somewhere from one of you, lamb it may have been you, that the worst flare you ever had was just after the Enbrel starting working. Correct me if I am wrong, please.

My Rheumatologist did tell me that many times we are unaware of how much a med is helping us until we stop it. The old 'hind sight' trick!

BTW, hope I never have to go off it to agree from your perspective, would much rather just agree! No problems!