Tomorrow is the big day! I'm going to get up early, drive to Pentagon Row in DC, meet my small, but loyal team of friends and walk 5k for the arthritis foundation. Our team name is "Team Breakthrough" and we are walking to raise awareness that there is presently no cure for arthritis.
This year has been very up and down for me. I've gone from being really sick from the PsA, to getting much better to the point where I was able to start jogging, to getting so sick I could not walk, to getting better to the point where I can walk 5k if I choose. Most of you know this story and have experienced these ups and downs yourself.
I am walking for us, for you guys, my friends that are suffering, for my mom that is suffering with PsA and can't afford the meds she needs to get better, and I am walking for myself. I am walking for all of those that can't right now and wish they could. I'm hoping that my motivation becomes contagious and that those of you who can might be inspired to help raise awareness yourselves, in whatever capacity you can.
Tomorrow, I am going to kick some arthritis @ss!