Waiting on result sof hypnotherapy

As I mentioned recently I went to see a very good hypnotist. I told everyone that I am a certified hypnotist and have training in treating chronic pain. The man I went to see is the hypnotist’s hypnotist, he is the one that trained me in treating pain with hypnosis.

I spent most of a day with him as he hypnotized me many times and reminded me of things I had forgotten about pain control. Although PsA is not Chronic pain by definition, it is a long lasting acute pain. He put me through an intense 4 hour treatment since I am already a hypnotist.

I’ll let everyone know how well it is working out, but so far so good. Last night my wife asked how my arm pain was doing. I told her I was being able to control a lot of it, but that didn’t mean my arm worked any better!

As I work through this I will pass along any tips or tricks that may help. I have already mentioned that deep belly breathing is the first step.

I’ll keep everyone posted.

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