So, I had my Remicade infusion yesterday, it did not go well… The nurse did a good stick, but it was painful when she went into the vein, about 45 minutes, she came into check, the IV had stopped and my arm had a hige pocket of medication under the skin, it had “infiltrated my arm. So she stuck the other arm, checked to make sure blood came into the tube and restarted it, about 30 minutes larer that arm blew up with a big bump, ao I frantically rang the bell, ahe stopped it, then went to my hand on the other side, I managed to finish the infusion. I figured out the veins must have collapsed, or started leaking? Don’t know what happened, maybe I was dehydrated? Might need to follw up with my GP and see what is going on with the veins. Might have to go to 5 week cycles, hope this isn’t the new norm. I did have problems when they ran a IV for my eyelid surgery, the anystisia infiltrated my hand, and had to be restarted on the other arm…
Anyone have problems with this?
Oh wow that’s annoying! Maybe your veins move around easily and the needle slipped out of the vein?.. definitely talk to your doctor about that…
Never had it happen before with infusions. The Nurse is also very good at sticking people, she was also surprised it happened!
That sounds scary Jon, hope they come up some answers for you.
Jon, sorry that happened
Definitely have a good chat about that one - though I suspect the medical profession in general will go ‘meh’, I must admit that although I’ve had no remicade infusions, I’ve has plenty of sticks, and aside from the most recent Cimzia appearing to pool under my skin (which I’m convinced is a combination of operator error, and my over-vigilance), I’ve never had that experience- so I think it’s worth discussing.
Meanwhile, fingers crossed it works for you