Tired of waiting for treatment

Hi all, I’m having a hard time waiting to see Rheumy. Naproxin for 3 months and hasn’t touched it! Tramodol, hydrocodone for 1 week, no relief of any kind. I decided to take nothing until I see my Rheumy in Oct. Got a mousse for my psoriasis that was very thick and it started working in the first week, then I noticed it moved to under my rt breast!! Really, I’m so frustrated. My low back hurts so bad I can’t stand up straight, and sausage finger is not of much use, and now my feet are starting to hurt. I’m also tired of being tired and forcing myself to get out of bed every morning. Thanks for listening to me vent!! I really don’t like to complain but day after day really wears on a person!!

I know, I know, the wait is agony, on top of the pain of the disease. But venting is good, and this is the place!

I'm surprised that none of those medications have helped. But please discuss your decision to forego pain relief with your family doctor. Chronic pain will restrict your activity and movement (and that creates a whole new set of problems) and it will take its toll on your sleep and your mood and ... and ... and. Getting some degree of control over your pain may be difficult, but it is so worth the effort.

Good luck with this!


The waiting sucks. You may want to try calling your rheumy and asking if there have been any cancellations because you're in dire need of seeing someone asap and/or find out if they can call you should someone cancel.

I hope you find something that gives you relief soon!!!

Nym, I have called and they have me on first call list, I will survive and keep my chin up! Thanks do much

Thanks to you too Seenie!!

Something that has worked well for my hands and feet is a Paraffin wax bath. I dip the 2 or 3 times a day and the heat helps with the pain. Plus they are so soft now!

I’m so sorry you are having to deal with all this pain with no relief or answers. I’m glad you got onto a waiting list though for an earlier appointment. I had to call the office and talk to them and tell them exactly what was happening because I was at a point I could barely hold a fork when I first got diagnosed. I went from having an appointment three months away to one three weeks away. I understand the frustration of medication failure. I am waiting patiently for my rheumy appointment on Friday but I have been in contact with her office now for weeks. I’ve been on prednisone for a year, tried enbrel, humira, Mobic, diflocenac, tramadol, Percocet and all to no avail. Currently waiting for insurance to finish messing around and approve me for remicade. I’ve heard wonderful things about remicade so I am hoping for the best even though I know it takes a bit for it to start working. I have the similar back problems and they have been getting increasingly worse. Sleeping comfortably is not possible anymore. I had hip X-rays yesterday and I need a hand X-ray too. I hope you get it to see the doctor soon and they can figure something out to help you with the pain and fatigue. It’s not complaining here :slight_smile: it’s venting to others ho completely understand.

Ok, so I saw my Derm today and she put me on mtx and of course folic acid, starting it Friday night hope it works. Thank you all so much. Even if my pain level goes down to “bareable” I’ll be fine with that. I didn’t even have to argue my case. Yay!! Hope I feel a difference in the first few weeks!

Hey, Michelle, that's great. This gets you one step ahead: if you had seen the rheumatologist today, s/he would have done the same thing the dermatologist did. When you get to the rheumatologist in October, you will already know whether it's going to help you. Then you can make further headway with your treatment plan.

It will be several weeks before the drug has much effect. I hope you weren't expecting a miracle! (We're ALL hoping for miracles, LOL!)


Lol… No Seenie, I’m not expecting miracles, I know this is a life long disease, but I’m just happy to possibly be getting some relief in the near future. I don’t which is worse, hot and humid weather, or severe cold in winter? Thanks again, your great, and everyone else here too!!

Parafin wax is not recommended for people with artritis. I owe mine to Prednisone.

Shutterbug said:

Something that has worked well for my hands and feet is a Paraffin wax bath. I dip the 2 or 3 times a day and the heat helps with the pain. Plus they are so soft now!

Doctors know that many of these medications take about three months to become effective, so they schedule us to wait that long. Yeah, 'cause they don't feel the pain we feel :{ but I have learned to be patient and wait. They cannot do much for us, unless they wait, too.