3 weeks now of this severe lower back and hip pain, and it feels like its worsening or even spreading…
It feels like its moving higher and higher up my spine. The xray shows signs of inflammatory spondyloarthropathy. I force myself to go to work and keep moving because I’m afraid if I rest I will become so stiff that I won’t be able to move. Night time is terrible, I can’t sleep, I Toss and turn all night, my hips burn if I lay on my side, but I can’t lay on my back because my spine is sore I have 1 more month to wait until I see the Rheumatologist and I’m scared that either I won’t get a diagnosis or that I will be told there isn’t much more I can do. I’m already on naproxen and Panadol osteo and tramadol, but from this site I have heard about methotrexate and disease modifying drugs which are more effective, so I’m praying I’m a candidate. I’m only 28 and have never been pregnant so I don’t know if the rheumy will be reluctant to put me on anything stronger than what I’m currently taking. I am just trying to stay positive and keep my normal routine…
Hi I am experiencing most if the problems that you have and I am only 32 only difference is I already have 2 children and don’t intend on having anymore so the rheumy has been willing to give me most of the dmards and biological. Depends on whether you wish to start a family soon as to whether he will give you any other medication.Hope everything works out for you
Thanks for sharing Catherine, how long have you been suffering with the symptoms and how old were you when you were diagnosed? I don't plan on starting a family anytime in the immediate future at this stage... maybe in a few years? not sure.. I am kind of scared to have children as I don't know how I would cope. It must be so difficult trying to look after your children while you are in so much pain?
Hi It started 3 years ago but have been diagnosed for about 2 years now mine also started in the shoulders and the lower back but now seems to have travelled to the middle of the spine aswell Can’t describe it but will try it feels as though someone has constantly got their finger pressing it in the middle of my spine you can feel the pressure it also twinges makes me feel sick the bottom of my back constantly aches and the muscles are stiff like I have run the marathon or something but actually I haven’t been anywhere really affects my walking the more I walk the worser it gets can’t always think straight coz all I can think about is pain pain pain it even wakes me up in my sleep sometimes my whole legs sometimes my arms go numb and tingly I get loads of muscle spasms they wake me up to this has not been as bad since the Rheumy gave me amitriptyline to relax the muscles before I go to bed my latest new symptom is a burning sensation in my legs but only from the knee downwards feels like someone had set them on fire the worst thing about PSa is it doesnt always affect the same place just when you. Think you have learned to cope with this nasty illness it attacks somewhere else and you have to learn all over. Again how to cope or to do things differently to manage or get on with daily tasks. My children are nearly 7 and 10 and although it is hard some days they give me something fight for x
Have been getting that burning feeling in my lower back and hips, it feels like its on fire. Almost like it stings. The only thing lately that settles it is ice packs to take the heat out…your symptoms sound very familiar, it’s so horrible to think it can’t be cured for good. I don’t know how to get the strength to keep working 40 hours a week. I have studied for 10 years to get to this point in my career and now I’m worried this condition is going to slow me down…
Depends whether you can find something quickly to slow the psa down I still haven’t found the right medication. I have just returned back to work have been off since before Christmas and I only work 3 days I had to change my days so that I was in work one day and off the next.i work 10 till 6 and really struggle most days with the pain and the tiredness. I can be sat at my desk and really have to make an effort to stay awake and to stop my eyes rolling to the back of my head. I really struggle to concentrate because I am so tired will carry on working till I can’t do it anymore then will have to give my job up but will cross that bridge when I get to it I have stopped worrying about what will happen to me eventually or whether I will be able to walk I take everyday as it comes I find it easier to cope that way you can very easily get depressed and feel like giving up. I really feel for you and understand your fears for not being able to work. Hope you find something that works for you real soon x
Thanks for your support Catherine, I will keep you posted
The pain is still there and I feel like its getting worse if that’s even possible yesterday I could barely move, all my joints feel like they were on fire and so so stiff - it was such an effort to get out of bed and shower - which is crazy for me because I am the sort of person who is up at 5am and don’t stop! I want my life back to normal
Hi I can totally relate to you as I am having the same problems I seriously don’t know how much longer I can cope with this it is really depressing. Sometimes I get up in the morning and feel so bad that I have to stop myself from crying something has gotta give soon. X
Hi Catherine, good to hear from you! I'm sorry you are also suffering so much! I can't believe how much this is affecting me mentally. I have been through a lot in the last 28 years, lost my father when I was 20 and had to support my mother who has schizophrenia, but I very rarely cry or show emotion. I have cried twice in front of my partner and aunty while my partner's aunty was visiting over the weekend because I could not get out of bed to get breakfast or to shower to get up for the day. I was so embarassed and broken :-( then yesterday managed to get up in arvo to go shopping with my partner and I nearly burst out crying in the shopping centre because my back was hurting so much I couldn't walk at a normal pace, I was shuffling like an old lady - so humiliating. Now I am up having my breakfast at 6:50 am about to shower and go to work, which is a huge effort. I really should be calling in sick but I don't want this to beat me. I am scared if I take a day off I will struggle to go back and I am just beginning my career after 10 years of study, im not about to let that happen!
No matter how strong you are, this disease challenges you in ways you never imagined :-(
You are not alone Catherine, we all have to help each other through day by day
Hi kellr84. So sorry to hear that you have had such a hard time my grandma had schizophrenia too so I know what it’s like she has passed away now god bless her but she used to come to our house with bandages wrapped around her head and say that bombs were dropping when there was nothing there she used to give All her money away to strangers and starve it is such an horrible nasty disease so I really feel for you you are a lot like me hard on the surface think when life throws so many bad things at you this is how you become I hate crying feel like a stupid wally afterwards know what you mean about walking I feel like a 32 year old trapped in an old woman’s body lol