This year will be different

As the new year approaches I have been thinking a lot about how this year has been for me. It was this time last year when I could no longer ignore my pain. Waking up to the excruciating pain in my lower back was something I never experienced before, it wasn’t “normal” by any standards.
And because of this pain I stopped doing so many things I loved. I missed the annual Vancouver Sun Run, which the previous year I had ran just under an hour, pretty good for my first ever “run” of any length.
I had been lifting weights, doing Zumba, hiking, biking. I even got to the point where I could do standard push-ups, about 20 without falling down. I was I’m the best shape of my life, and then all of that stopped.
I stopped because I thought the pain would go away. But no, it only got worse. And worse, and worse.

This year will be different. I am determined. I am determined to build up my stamina, my strength, my flexibility again. I will be in pain regardless if I am running, doing Pilates or lying on the couch. I just can’t let the pain get to me so much anymore, I need to put my body to use again. I need to feel those endorphins, I need to feel that sense of accomplish.
I am so determined.

I do a lot of things that may or may not be good for me in the long run. Just take care with your choice of exercises. I'm not saying do nothing if you are in pain, but respect your body. I'm not a serious runner, but I enjoy it. I have run through quite a lot of pain, but when my knee is acting up, I take it easy. Same with my achilles tendons. You may want to work with an exercise specialist to help you come up with good exercises, and guidelines on when not to do the heavy duty stuff. Other than that, YOU GO GIRL!!

Absolutely, Stoney! I’m going to do this the right way. I need to start slowly and build up my endurance, I will also start seeing my physio therapist again too.
I took my dog for a long brisk walk today. It was cold out but it feels good to use my legs!