SO hard to keep them still…First time i have a nodule, base of thumb, more on palm side.
Saw rheummy Tuesday, she is sending me to a hand/ortho
It’s the Left thumb, but the right is heading that way. Last visit she said it was at the tendon sheath. It’s getting bigger, almost the size of a Lima Bean. Hard to grab a towel, or hold railing on the stairs. I do wear a wrist brace with thumb attachment at night.
This is old cumulative damage, diagnosed with RA 17 yrs ago, maybe it was always PSA, doesn’t matter solving the mystery same
meds, anyway.
How cool, will see the hand/ortho Tuesday, and am flaring, and Remicade is Thursday…He will see the flare.
xrays from 2 yrs ago, report says mild degenerative…yea right, sometimes i don’t agree with the radiologists, and wish the rheummy would look at the film…Hoping this guy will take care of me, he is the expert, the hand/ortho
That really sucks. I'm sorry :(
Best wishes seeing the hand specialist!
My disease was always back an forth between JRA and JPsA. Same meds, same results.
Tks Marietta....we are kinda used to pain, huh?....OmG if one of my grown kids got an ouchie, or DH...I would hear about it!..They don't get it, do they?..DH is sympathetic, says poor baby...LOL. just saying they have no clue about pain
What gets me, had a scope on the knees, before replacement..Pathology report, tissue sample, says the color, is related to RA/Lupus
Wasn't till i got the pustular on palms, 3 yrs ago, new rheummy says PSA, old rheummy, was telling me it was ezcema...A teeny bit of hard calloused skin coming back on bottom of palm, rheummy tuesday says it's the psoriasis...
all the $200 creams, never worked, olux-e foam, and all that, only Remicade helped with the i will be good to go after Thursday, 900mg, am at my max dose.
Plus got itching on my back, got steroid cream from PCP, it's psoriasis too...i will get a Benadryl, and solumedrol IV did, first...that will
help the skin..I'm being positive, that helps, Thursday is comign fast..LOL
The hand specialist may not be able to do much, it happened to me but in my case we didn't know about the PSA ahead of time. My thumb was the first symptom and after 3 xrays he finally ordered an ultrasound. The conclusion was that I torn a tendon and by the time it was discovered by the ultrasound it had healed and attached itself to the ligatment in the wrong spot. I used a thumb spica splint for almost a year but now it only hurts on rare occasions.
My Rhumey suspects that the PSA is the cause of the torn tendon because the way it was torn is rare.
I think the regular xray will not show tendons, like a MRI will. Howsever, maybe a skilled hand/ortho can use his education, to poke around. ..It's obviously a nodule, but growing bigger