The Cold From Hell

Hello everyone!

If you could hear me talking it would be very congested sounding with interment sneezing! I have had a horrible cold for a week now. Sneezing, couching, sore throat, congestion, body aches, no sleep, and exhaustion. I'm on 5 different medications plus an antibiotic for my throat. Hopefully I'll come out of this soon.

It made me wonder, how do you handle sickness? When was your last sickness and how long did it last?

Have a good weekend!

Hi amielynn! Yuck getting sick while on a biologic. You're on one, right? When I had strep A several weeks ago, I felt crappy. I sort of knew it was strep because I've had it twice before and my symptoms are achiness, tired legs, fever and sore throat. It's not as bad as the flu, but it isn't fun. I couldn't sleep the night before I went to the doctor cuz I felt so weird. I ended up having a three-week break from Enbrel, which was scary, but I didn't get any PsA symptoms really. :-) Did you stop your biologic?

Maybe you should have your white blood cells checked. Mine were low before I got strep. I think the strep and break in Enbrel helped them go back to normal.

I also had two annoying colds last winter that both lasted 5 weeks. I never caught colds before I went on Enbrel.

Glad you got some meds, and hope you feel better soon!

Have a cold now, which isn't helped by Asthma. Keep taking the tablets. ;)

Grandma J, I am due for an injection today but haven't decided to stop or not. Feeling better today, but I don't want Enbrel to kick this cold back into gear. I had to take a two week break from Enbrel when I had a sore throat which turned into a sinus infection. I also didn't see a return in the PsA symptoms. Before Enbrel I was never sick! Not even a cold. I think it was due to my over active immune system. I could also heal wounds very quickly. It was like I had super powers!

Coton, my son now has the cold and he has slight asthma. He is living in front of a humidifier. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Ha, ha amielynn, you can't have the cold from hell because I've got it! Day twelve for me. I think I might now have a sinus infection from it as I'm getting horrible jarring pain in my upper back teeth with every footstep and loss of congestion and pressure across my nose and cheeks. I have, though, found that taking my amitriptyline every night (rather than my random pattern) is helping me sleep as the cough isn't so disruptive. I'm due my Simponi injection on Thursday ... unless I get worse between now and then, in which case I'll head to the doctors, I'm planning to inject on schedule.

So annoyed with myself as I'm usually so careful when I go out but think this one is down to getting a bit too complacent and not using hand gel or a handwipe after touching the trolly handle at the grocery store. Yesterday I went out and actually wiped the trolley handle first and then did my hands aferwards as well! Lesson learnt.

Hope you feel better soon.

Sorry to hear that Jules! You guys might shame me but I don't wipe down carts (trollies) or doors knobs. I even avoid washing my hands in the bathroom if they don't have paper towels and only have the air blow germ machine. BUT my son just started Kindergarten and my hubs is a pharmacist. Between the two of them, they bring lots of things home! So far I have only had two major sicknesses. The cold and strep when I overlapped my biologics. I think that's pretty good for living in the germ motel!

Hope you feel better soon Jules!

Amielynn, I don't use the wipes and gel either. Too lazy. But I do wash my hands often. Like you, I hate those air blow germ machines! I'd rather leave the restroom with wet hands than use one of those! (I'm the lady leaving the facilities waving my hands to dry them ... haven't been taken away yet! LOL)

Hope you get better really soon.

Thanks Seenie. I'm feeling much better today, besides some sneezing. I did inject yesterday, so we will see how it goes.

Glad you're feeling better amielynn. I never fail to be surprised by how rough a cold can make everyone feel!

I use the gel or wipes when I can't easily get to handwashing facilities because I am hopeless at remembering to keep my hands away from my face ... and the only couple of times I've been poorly with colds since my PsA diagnosis have been following grocery store trips (I don't go often as my hubby usually does it ...). Now call me paranoid ....... but!

On the plus side ..... my Simponi injection didn't seem to be doing much this month and I had quite a few aches and pains which subsided as soon as my immune system had a proper job to do!