Stress and PsA

I have been feeling pretty good for a while now, but the day after thanksgiving I came home from work, my fiancée went to work and I went to bed only to be woken up an hour later by a knock at the door. my fiancée's co-worker telling me I needed to get dressed and come with him immediately. my fiancée had collapsed at work and was taken to the hospital. long story short he had a massive brain bleed. transfers to 3 different hospitals, a 6 hour brain surgery, then he passed away on sat. November 29th, the day before his birthday. the point of all my rambling is it seems like the stress of the last couple of weeks has made my arthritis flare up to the point of the pain being unbearable. he was so good at taking care of me and being able to talk me thru the pain when it got so bad. has anyone else noticed that stress causes flares or is it just my imagination and this would have happened even if I did not have all this stress

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Stress does definitely play into it. I am so sorry for your loss and what you've been going through. Make sure to take care of you. You're in my prayers.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

How sad! Oh, I'm sure the stress of this could cause a flare! That is tragic. You have my deepest sympathies.


I'm so very sorry to hear about your boyfriend's passing. I can only try to imagine how you're feeling. But as others have said, YES, your arthritis is going to kick into high gear given the emotional turmoil in your life right now.

So, with that in mind, it's important that you do some good self care. Get enough rest, exercise, and eat right--as much as you can right now. And please do check in with us. The discussion thread for emotional support is a good place to go if you need to vent. Take good care of yourself--particularly through the holidays which can be made more difficult with a recent loss. Thinking of you,


Oh, dear Pinkgirl, I’m so sorry. I wish I could reach out and give you a hug. This is a terrible shock and loss for you. I won’t repeat the great advice that others have given you about looking after yourself. Can you get an appointment with your doctor to get some support and rescue meds if you need them?
I’ll be thinking of you over the days ahead. If you need to talk, come here: there are often people online who would be only too happy to keep you virtual company.
Wishing you peace and comfort.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope u have family/friends that can help you right now.

I hurt all the more when i am stressed, too.

So sorry for your loss. THE STRESS MAGNAFIES IT .Again sorry for hour loss.