Starting Remicade this week - anyone have advice tips?

Hi everyone,

I couldn't tolerate MTX and opted for Remicade infusion. Starting this week. Does anyone have any advice, tips? What should I expect? Side effects? etc.

All comments welcome !

I can't offer much, I will have my second Remicade infusion on Thursday. So far no effect or side effect!

May I ask why you chose to take Remicade instead of other meds? I'll also keep you posted with my results. I understand we can get a discount through Remicade? A Remicade card or something??

I do not know about a card my Rheumatologist's office signs me up for all discounts before I get the bill. I have been on Humiria, Enbrel and Simponi each for about a year, Enbrel twice for a year each time. They have lost effect for me in about a year. I also take mtx 22.5 mg I inject each week. Remicade is the last for me to try.

It's not the last! Xeljanz was just approved and I started it 2 days ago. I had also exhausted all the biologics.

I wish you the best with your Remicade!

michael in vermont said:

I do not know about a card my Rheumatologist's office signs me up for all discounts before I get the bill. I have been on Humiria, Enbrel and Simponi each for about a year, Enbrel twice for a year each time. They have lost effect for me in about a year. I also take mtx 22.5 mg I inject each week. Remicade is the last for me to try.

Thanks for sharing your info and I wish you the best - I hope it work for you.

You too.