Slowing Down

My boys learned long ago that if their Legos are on the floor, they WILL accidentally get sucked up by the vacuum cleaner. You ain’t living until you’ve stepped on a Lego with bare feet at 3am. Oooowwwwwieeeee! I think that is one of those things that I’ll always remember about parenthood. Now, they’re good at keeping them picked up, so it’s not a problem, but I remember those days so well! It’s fun to razz on the boys about it now. :slight_smile:

Legos are such fun around the holidays.!!!! All of those awesome tiny parts to step on, sleep with, share your meals as they roll across the table, for the dogs special treats and babies first experience with "OH no! The babies going to put that in her mouth !!" Between all six of my children and my child care little guys although I have been retired for a year and I still find them here and there. LOL

The vacuum at your house is well fed I imagine.... I know mine was. It looks like you are well into the spirit everyone and I enjoy reading your posts , I laugh every time. I have cut so far back on my doing things that I did a funny thing yesterday. When my husband called me to see if I wanted him to pick up a new element for my broken oven I told him "no I don;t want to do the cooking this years . the girls can do it at their houses and clean up all of the mess. I am going to watch the kids play for once. ...HE laughed and agreed sooooo.... no cooking for me!!! YEAH However, I will buy the most annoying Lego kit I can find and get a little pay back for all of those broken toes in the middle of the night. HO HO HO !

My mother -in-law does all of the mini packs for the fire fighters and Star Wars She took them up when dad died and all of the grand kids and the big men rearrange Grandma's toys when they visit :)

Be careful with that My sister and her four kids spent a christmas in a 12 wide mobile home because the house they were having built wasn't done on time and they had to move out of their old one. I bought the kids a 500 piece farm set for Christmas 35 years later she is STILL extracting "holiday revenge" in the most creative ways.

The Pranking is getting out of Hand and is NOW a part of everything

Last year Santa Clause knocked on the Door during our Christmas Eve dinner (I have anywhere between 9 and 20 of the grandkids and extras at it) with finger paints, noisemakers to welcome Baby Jesus and as the cap to it all a 5000 piece puzzle. Not to put together but rather the kid who finds the piece that was red on the back wins an i-pod. You know where 4,999 of those piece went and how well cousins work together...... Then ther was the year of the fireworks.....

crazylady said:

.............. However, I will buy the most annoying Lego kit I can find and get a little pay back for all of those broken toes in the middle of the night. HO HO HO !

I see I am not the only one familiar with the joys of Legos! You guys are cracking me up!

Funny stuff you guys!!! My Father -in -law was the king of Christmas pranks and he always ordered the most annoying Animatrons he could find with the most horrid music.... The year he gave me a moose that sang"Let it snow "the children made it run all of the time as it was motion activated.

It snowed nine feet in my front yard that year. I have pictures of a huge moose struggling to get over the snowbank in my driveway. Needless to say that particular joyful toy never has batteries when the children get here!!!!

Your house sounds like mine. There are over seventeen grandchildren and eight great grands in this bunch so who pranks who is always the talk of the week before the big night. Sounds fun. Keep up the joyful noise.... Wishing good things for everyone.

GrumpyCat said:

I see I am not the only one familiar with the joys of Legos! You guys are cracking me up!