Sleepy but no sleep for me!

I was given tramadol 50 mg for pain. I rarely take it. It’s raining in MS so that means that I’m aching all over. I took a dose of the tramadol with my night time meds, including ambien and now I can’t sleep.

Does anyone else have this SE from tramadol?

Tramadol has never done that to me, as far as I can remember, but I was on the long-acting form. Interesting, aberry. As if you want “interesting” in the middle of the night!


I have taken both the regular and extended release tramadol. If I take the regular variety close to bedtime I will often have those liminal nights where I can recall asking myself all night whether or not I am asleep. It is hugely frustrating. If I need tramadol I take the extended release one and then top up with the fast acting one as needed and try to avoid bedtime. Sometimes a couple of benadryl half an hour before I want to sleep will help to push me over into la-la land.

I have a large bottle tramadol and find it absolutely useless for pain and sleeping. I know quite a few of use narcotics as anti anxiety and sleeping pill, because with all honestly they do very little for the pain. While I am not a doctor, I do not recommend taking pills for sleeping continuously because they reek havoc on your digestive track.

I have to time tramadol PERFECTLY in order to sleep after taking it ... like take my other nighttime meds, wait to get sleepy, then pop a tramadol so that pain won't wake me 20 minutes later. If not, I lay awake, or am in and out of sleep so much I don't feel rested. For some reason, I take tramadol and then my mind decides I can do ALL THE THINGS. :)

I didn't find tramadol very helpful for pain or sleep ! When I am really hurting, I don't have any drugs in my arsenal that take the pain away, but one 7.5 mg Norco PLUS one .5 mg xanax works the best to relax me and gives me the best chance of catching a few winks.

I have tried many different methods, including meds, for sleep. The best advice I can give is to get exercise, make sure you limit caffeine, take a hot bath and don’t look at a computer or tv screen for two hours before bed. All that irritating nonsense. :slight_smile:

I have been taking tramadol before bed, and I only have issues sleeping if I don’t practice basic sleep hygiene or if the pain is too bad in spite of the tramadol. Is it effective for your pain?

You might ask your doc about Trazadone for sleep. Take it one hour before you sleep. I take two Tramadol in the morning and two early evening. I also take Flexeril three times s day. Most of my PSA is in my hips. My hip joints are destroyed. You’ve got to get on a good diet. Here in the south, collards and turnip greens work magically. You’ve got to cut out meat. I eat lots of range free chickens and lamb. All meats must be lean. Believe me when I say diet! That’s the most important part of living pain free.