Silver Ring Splints?

It's been a while since I've been on here. I have noticed my fingers starting to change.. but now other people are noticing.. One person actually asked me if I had broken my little finger. I was wanting information on silver rings, night splints, etc. I am a piano player, and would like to keep function as long as possible. The Rheumy sent me to a "Hand Specialist" who told me I had swan neck deformities in my little fingers and boutonnière in my thumbs, but there was nothing that could be done. He said it was the "disease". He said the only way to keep function is to keep my disease under control.

Is that true? Have any of you have success/failures with silver rings/splints etc? I would like more opinions than one "specialist" who was less than helpful or hopeful!


I did a blog post a while back about this at…

I also am attaching a few pictures.

Friend me, and we can always arrange to talk on the phone more about this. 22-image.jpg (848 KB)

The other picture.
21-image.jpg (805 KB)

THANK YOU! I'll read it now!

Stoney said:

I did a blog post a while back about this at

I also am attaching a few pictures.

Friend me, and we can always arrange to talk on the phone more about this.