I got some shampoo today recommended by the chemist in Boots. It has ketoconazole as the major ingredient. So I will try it and see how it goes. I am away next week for a short break, but I will go and see my GP now i have a firm diagnosis and see what he suggests and if I can get anything on prescription.
I've been prescribed a shampoo containing salicylic acid for scalp psoriasis. Looks like ketoconazole is primarily for fungal infections(?). Do you have tinea of the scalp, i.e. ringworm (which is nothing to do with worms, it's the same sort of thing as of athlete's foot)? Or is it also for psoriasis?
I'm battling psoriasis like there's no tomorrow. I tried a psoriasis forum and was bombarded with suggestions for so many products and natural remedies, I think I'd probably combust if I tried them all. Then there's the steroid creams, sprays and gels which are currently filling up my fridge. And I'm already on Humira for PsA. Nothing makes a blind bit of difference. Hope your shampoo helps .... if you give it 5 stars I might try it too, whatever it's for!
Enjoy your break!
Hi Coton Boy. I had scalp psoriasis all my adult life and tried every natural and prescription ointment and shampoo out there. Nothing worked, other than to quiet the itch a little. Finally, I found MG217 Medicated Tar Shampoo. It was the only thing that ever got my scalp psoriasis under control. I used it every other day for several years. I might have smelled like a tar baby, but it was worth it. I think the only place you can get it now is on Amazon.com.
I'm also a bit confused by why you need a shampoo with an anti-fungal. Yes, if you have dandruff, but psoriasis isn't dandruff. I assume what he's given you is Nizoral? It is very strong and quite harsh on the scalp. I think we've had several shampoo discussions on here and the one which comes to mind is Neutrogena T/Gel for Sensitive Scalps. Oilatum also do good products for skin with psoriasis, including a shampoo.
Thanks for all the advice and help. It is so confusing! LOL. When I am back from my break I am going to see my GP and see what he can give me now I know it is Psoriasis.
Psoriasis and a side dressing of Alopecia Areata are the most confusing health problems I've encountered. And you might as well ask for a referral to dermatology when you see your GP. Then you'll have your team all set up.
Coton Boy said:
Thanks for all the advice and help. It is so confusing! LOL. When I am back from my break I am going to see my GP and see what he can give me now I know it is Psoriasis.
I will, thank you Sybil! :)