I’ve had 4 infusions to date. They always give me claritan at the infusion center. You may want to ask them. Also most infusion centers have free wi so you can bring your laptop and eatch movies or shop
I’ve had no reactions but the claritan makes me a little sleepy but I’m awake before I leave.you should be able to bring snacks and water.
I go in for my 8th infusion on Monday the 1st. I usually get some antihistamine, antacid, and tylenol. Mine takes about 3 hrs. I'll get home by 4pm and probably snoozing on the couch by 7. The following day I'm pretty tired. After that no problems, though.
Don't pre-medicate unless told. I certainly would arrange for a ride home the first time. Depending on the area you are in and the protocol, remicade is usually given in a hospital based infusion center as opposed to a Drs infusion center etc. You can have a pretty severe reaction even if you don't the first time. Every center has a different protocol.
welcome to the site. I get claritin and tylenol when I arrive. but my Dr. ordered it.. I think you should call your Dr. and ask.then you can find a ride if needed. I wouldnt bring anyone unless I had to. its not very entertaining for them ..
I am there about 2 To 3 hours and enjoy the quiet time. usually i fall asleep.
I have been getting remicade for over a year. They always give me 1 benadryl of 25mg & 1 tylenol. I suggest you bring someone at least the first few times to see how you feel. I drive about 30 miles as well. I still bring someone because I find I get light headed. Best of luck to you.
I'll be thinking of you on Friday while I'm getting my infusion!!! I have someone drive me every time, because benadryl makes me loopy. LOL I usually bring my Kindle for entertainment (books, games, podcasts) during my infusion, but sometimes end up napping or chatting with the nurses and other people there. The last time I had an infusion I met a wonderful woman and had an amazing conversation with her. :)
Thanks nym. That helps with my nervousness some. I'll be thinking of you too. Knowing I'm not alone helps a lot!
nym said:
I'll be thinking of you on Friday while I'm getting my infusion!!! I have someone drive me every time, because benadryl makes me loopy. LOL I usually bring my Kindle for entertainment (books, games, podcasts) during my infusion, but sometimes end up napping or chatting with the nurses and other people there. The last time I had an infusion I met a wonderful woman and had an amazing conversation with her. :)
Just an update...I got my first treatment, was in the infusion center for seven hours. Had to have benadryl and tylenal. They gave me those and steriods to start and then more in middle. I got a headache and itching. Was glad my husband drove me, but was sorry for him for having to wait for so long. They said should be much quicker next time. The steriods kept me up all night, but I didn't mind. It was so nice not to fill exhausted like I normally do.
I go in for my second treatment tomorrow. No longer nervous. Thanks everyone for your support.
My Dr didn't say. I will ask her the next time I see her. I do know that they really helped with the fatigue and exhaustion I have been complaining to her about. I emailed her a couple days after treatment and told her how much more energy I had and she said it was the steroids. The energy only lasted about 4 days, but it sure was nice to not be tired for a change.