Anyone else have pustular psoriasis type of skin issues with this? I have developed blisters on my hands. I am able to go see the doc tomorrow so hopefully she can help with the pain of them. I know it isn't very common but any info would help.....thanks
No Moxie I haven't. But I'm much more aware than I was of the difficulty of getting different types diagnosed and finding effective treatment. Has there been anything specific that has triggered the p p? Good luck tomorrow and let us know what the doctor has to say.
I think stress brought it on. Work has been very difficult with several key people leaving--which leaves the floor short of nurses--picking up the extra load is not easy and not good nursing---I really hate working like that--I am checking into retirement but not sure how I will get enbrel paid for then. Just stress.
"Just"stress I know that we can't always control our stressors, but do take good care of yourself! The hand sores are dreadful, aren't they, and I'll bet it doesn't help that you have to wash your hands so many times a day.
Bummer this.
I used to get those all the time, and it was so frustrating. When I worked on the floor it was a nightmare with all of the washing. I ended up making finger cots out of the sized surgical gloves and that helped a TON. I'd get the smaller size of glove and cut the fingers out and roll them on. I kept them on all day and they would stay on during washings so I could protect the broken skin. At night time I would use a betamethasone or Taclonex ointment and cover with cotton gloves to sleep. This eventually cleared the skin. Good luck!
The Rheumy didnt know what the blisters are- she called in a dermatologist--who does not know what it is--so she did a biopsy and called in yet another Doc--they all say they have never seen anything like the blisters on my hand===they are spreading up my left hand is so swollen I cant bend the fingers and I am having pain from hell! Not only are the joints hurting there is the painful hand and shooting pains throughout the left arm. None of the doctors would give me anything because they don't know what it is. They took two biopsies--one is being sent to mayo clinic and that wont be back for awhile. I think it is the pustular psoriasis--just not text book..but 3 docs are scratching their heads over it. The blisters are very deep at least down into the dermis and I had to have sutures from the biopsies. Also running low grade temp.
Moxie, just throwing something out there .... could you have shingles?
I've given a few doctors itchy heads too. They take one look at me and say 'psoriasis' because I've got PsA I suppose. And because some of the affected areas do look like text book examples. And then come the 'buts' because some areas could be anything, really.
My derm said that the atypical presentation could be because the psoriasis is being partially treated by Humira. Though I suppose that would make more sense with the flat, usually pale rash I have on my back than with your nasty blisters. You would think that 'partially treated' would equate with not too bad. However I have a few mean patches too.
I'm due to have a couple of skin biopsies, one on my back to check if the rash is psoriasis and one on my arm to exclude skin cancer. I'm hoping I won't even need the back biopsy as my skin's much better recently. That could be due to re-starting Mtx but I'm also being dead conscientious with the skin routine I've been given and one thing that's changed is the emollient. They all look the same in the big white plastic bottles, but this one, Balneum Plus cream, contains urea and it's the best yet. I understand that the doctors don't want to go for topical steroids etc. till they're sure what's going on, but have they given the all clear for some sort of barrier / moisturising cream?
They don't want me using anything at this point--but this is too painful to tolerate! My fingers are twice the size and covered in numerous blisters---they go all the way up my arm. The pustular psoriasis is the only thing it could be--in my mind--it came on with the horrid joint pain. Do you know what immunoglobulin responds to this? I was told mine are all elevated so it's a mixed bag here! I am calling the doc again today because I am ready to go to the emergency room to try and get help....just intolerable.
Moxie, I’m so sorry. I hope you get relief soon.
Moxie, sorry I went on about me. I've found recent psoriasis flare almost unbearable at times and yours is worse. Hope you laid it on the line with your doc and that they spring into action. If poss, let us know what's happening.
Moxie, I have zero experience in this area but I sure hope you get something that helps at least with the pain and hopefully tword healing soon. You sound desperate I can tell, though there are no majic words to say we are here for you. I am sending hugs and hope for the best. Hang in there!
Blisters are drying. Still no reports from Mayo clinic. I am doing better and home to go back to work in another week. I'm going to retire and have to find some way to get enbrel paid for thru medicare. Thanks for the support everyone.
Glad to hear your on the healing side but hope you get some answers soon so you can prevent another outbreak. Back to work is good and retirement better! There seems to be a lot of support available for Enbrel so don’t forget to look it up on this site. Happy to see an update and hope you will share what you find out.
Still no info as to what the blisters were from. I had the shingles vaccine......but it sure acted like that to me.Just tired of it all. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and lots of blessings.
I'm tired of it all too Moxie, it gets you like that sometimes doesn't it. But it's good you're recovering. Happy Thanksgiving to you. (I'll have to google when that is ...)
Moxie said:
Still no info as to what the blisters were from. I had the shingles vaccine......but it sure acted like that to me.Just tired of it all. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and lots of blessings.
Hi Moxie, I also have Pustular Psoriasis. It is the rarest form, so sometimes it is not correctly diagnosed. When the blisters pop, there is nothing you can do to alleviate the pain. You could rub lidocaine on them I guess, but then you'd have to keep doing it every time you wash your hands...
I have it on my feet and hands, and I find there is a 1.5 month cycle of blisters forming, growing, popping, and my skin peeling off. As soon as my skin is clear or almost clear, the cycle starts again. I use Nivea cream, not lotion, but super thick cream. I also have a very greasy Steroid cream. I feel like it hasn't helped that much, and is pretty gross smelling, so I mostly stick to the Nivea.