Psoriatic Eye Manifestations

Shows the various ocular manifestations of PsA. Lots of pictures ...

Au, S., Yaniv, S., & Gottlieb, A. B. (2011). Psoriatic Eye Manifestations. Psoriasis Forum,17(3), 169-179. Retrieved from

(had posted this on my blog. Seenie asked I post it here)

Thank you for posting. I found it to be very helpful in understanding eye symptoms and PsA. I have started treatment these last few months with Cyclosporin for my Uveitis. Thanks again!

Gets much more attention here, Dan!
Eye manifestations are another symptom of PsA that often gets treated in isolation – nobody makes the connection between those itchy, dry, red eyes and painful joints. I mean … why would they? It’s helpful to have information like this at our disposal!

I am glad this article is proving useful and informative.

Posting a pdf so the article remains available just in case the web link should ever fail.

435-PsoriaticEyeManifestationsForum_Fall_11_WEB.pdf (243 KB)