Psoriasis in all the wrong places- help please

Well, I have now moved to a new mucous membrane, the mouth. Does anyone have trouble with psoriasis on your tongue or in your mouth? It has actually changed my sense of taste quite a bit, and the back of the tongue looks like Thrush (but it isn’t.) The only thing that really makes it hurt is toothpaste, so at the moment, I’m brushing with baking soda. Even Tom’s toothpaste that I used to use when I had mouth ulcers occasionally now hurts the fissures on my tongue and the little red bumps everywhere else. Does anyone have a suggestion or even just a similar situation?

Oh gosh Dana that sounds very uncomfortable. I haven't had it in my mouth myself but I was looking for help with it in another sensitive area and found this page on the UK pappa website. Not sure how much help it will be except to reassure you that whilst it's not common you are definitely not alone and specialist products are available for treatment. Wishing you a quick resolution.

It sounds like you're doing the right things. I'm wondering if there is any sort of mouth rinse that would help with this. I've had it in my nose, and had trouble dealing with that too. I've used a steroid cream and saline spray to keep it more comfortable.

The typical steriods given for psoriasis is not safe for the throat. Have you been tested for streptococcus? The most common psoriasis in is guttate, and it can be caused by streptococcus…

Dana, something else that was hovering on the edges of my consciousness when I posted earlier, could you have/also have lichen planus? Either way looks like a doctor/dentist consult may help you the most. Take good care.

I don't have psoriasis in my mouth but I find that the toothpaste for dry mouth is the best. It doesn't aggravate the tissue and my rental checkups have been better since using it. They make a mouthwash, spray and gel too. Biotene is the brand name. Good luck. Sounds awful...

Thank you, Jules! That page is actually better than any others that I have found.

Jules said:

Oh gosh Dana that sounds very uncomfortable. I haven’t had it in my mouth myself but I was looking for help with it in another sensitive area and found this page on the UK pappa website. Not sure how much help it will be except to reassure you that whilst it’s not common you are definitely not alone and specialist products are available for treatment. Wishing you a quick resolution.

Thanks for all the replies, y’all. I want to respond to each but keep misappropriating time. I will take more time to respond tomorrow, hopefully. I do like your troubleshooting ideas and your ideas of what else it could be.

Jules, I did think about lichen planus, too. However, the fissures in the tongue seem to match psoriasis better than lichen planus. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks with my rheumy. He is very experienced in treating psoriatic diseas, thank goodness. I will check then. If I make an appointment to go in early, I get a PA who is great, but not as experienced with the psoriatic symptoms.

I looked at the dry mouth toothpaste, and unfortunately, I am not sure I should use them. They have aspertame or sucralose. Both give me extreme migraines. It might not do it since I wouldn’t be eating the toothpaste, but I don’t want to risk it. I did find a Tom’s Toothpaste made for 8 years old and up that still has fluoride but has “mild mint” flavor. It seems to help significantly in terms of not setting off the fissures and lips.

My next dose of Stelara is due next week, so I hope it will help. We are raising the dosage on this one since my joints and tendons both haven’t responded as well as they could to the Stelara.
Thanks for the ideas.

I have what is known as a geographic tongue. I get red and white spots in different places. Some people say it looks like lines on a map, hence the name. Everyday it has a different look to it. It is believed to be caused by inflammation on the tongue if I understand it right. I have had it all my life but only recently learned that researchers now believe there is a link between psoriasis and geographic tongue. You might try googling it to see if this might possibly be what you are experiencing.

I saw that in my searching! It almost looks like my tongue is working up to that, but we aren’t there yet. The fissures have gone down in number but are more irritated. The taste of my food is changed, and the taste in my moth is metallic but not like blood. The Stelara injection has seemed to calm it a bit. I have an appointment with the rheumy next week, so he can hopefully give a specific diagnosis.

Thank you for adding that, Goofy Pirate! I did wonder if it was headed that direction. I assume that, since you have always had it, you don’t know if it affects your taste. I think I remember reading that geographic tongue does not usually affect taste. Of course, they say that psoriasis on the tongue doesn’t either, and I have found plenty of comments on-line that describe the same thing I am experiencing with it. I miss eating shrimp without it tasting like a horrible, strong fish instead of the wonderful shellfish that it is.

I get fissures in my tongue from time to time also. They bother me a little when they are deep. The taste thing is hard for me to judge since I have always had it. I have noticed that in the last 5 to 10 years my ability to tolerate spicy foods has decreased greatly. I use to eat a lot of Cajun and Mexican food. I still love the taste but the spiciness gets to me after just a few bites. Lost me know what the doctor says next week.