Psoriasis flares

I have had very mild Psoriasis since I was a child. Now I am 51 (ugh) with PsA. How do you deal with Psoriasis flares? My hands get so bad my fingers swell and the skin cracks and peels and I always have painful new tender skin to deal with! I do have Taclonex ointment, but I really don't think that helps alot. I am on NO medication for my PsA other than Ibuprofin and the Taclonex. I am learning that when I have 2-4 days in a row where I feel terrible and hurt all over and don't even want to get out of bed, I am having a flare (at least I think so!) If I get a Kenalog injection it seems to help with the Psoriasis for a short time, but I get those only maybe 2x per year. Any tips?

I have had psoriasis now for 17 years. I am 47 years old. My mother had it at one time on 80 percent of her body. I home treat also. I take a baby oil bath every other day. I also go to Family Dollar and purchase the cocoa butter on a stick so during the day if I notice a crack on one of my hands, I will give the crack a quick swipe of the stick. I have recently been diagnosed myself with PsA. I am currently waiting for my first rhumetologist appointment. I feel for ya. I know exactly how you feel!!!!! I hope this helps ya.