Our Seenie is Famous

You haven’t lost your touch!

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To bad you all aren’t nurses interested in Long Term Health Care. My Sister is/was the Nursing Administrator for a chain of memory Care Facilities. (she previously was a mental health nurse and later a Pediatric NP. She LOVED hiring bipolar nurses (those who could monitor where they were at). She set them up on Job Share so they could easily Take time to adjust if they were at a depressive state. But when they were on the other end they were the best nurses you could ask for and the Residents Loved them as they we always cheerful, involved, and efficient. 4 or my 12 are bipolar and 2 of the Grands. We have had some interesting times. I still marvel at the bipolar kiddos (now adults) intelligence and Creativeness. I’m convinced the “Problem” is they are simply too smart and Too creative for their own good. History seems to bear its out in both the sciences and the arts. You can almost bet the most influential in both fields wer bipolar at least to some degree… I’m so happy to hear @darinfan that you are pursuing your music. Its been too long since you last linked us to a performance. Its time again. (sorry all this isn’t a vocabulary enrichment post)


Eh? Most of yours are as far as I’m concerned!

Your experience of bipolar people matches mine with autistic children. I used to really enjoy teaching most children on that spectrum and couldn’t pin down why that was as all were different. And sometimes I found myself questioning a dx of Aspergers in particular, especially if the kids themselves & their parents were unsure about it.


You woke up un-knackered? No alarm clock? Or did someone come and knock you up?

:rofl: Who was it who said that we are “divided by a common language”?


@darinfan Hear hear!


Madam, I can assure you that nobody came to knock me up!!

One awoke feeling refreshed for once.

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Oh dear! Did I mention that somewhere? Half the time I seem to forget what I’ve written. I’m not quite sure where I should post a link?


I love this thread! Unknackered, chuffed and really waiting for more of @darinfan’s music here too.


As long as mod support keeps the glossary of PsA terms up to date we’ll speak the same language. And all of this distraction from pain because of Seenie’s fame!!


Remember you asked for it! Well, as it’s Friday. Most of them I put on Facebook these days rather than YouTube. Anyway, this is the most recent one, I think. And a picture on the video to show how to get amorous from two metres apart!


Hey, wish I’d been there! Enjoyed this, thanks!

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A simply excellent way to start my Saturday - thank you.