Oh dear

Just reading some symptome from the Main part of the web site. During my twenties and thirties, when I was very fit and healthy or at my healthiest. I used to have random episodes of very severe fatigue. It used to take a couple of hours to pass. It would come over suddenly and severly. I would feel sick and would need a lie down on my own. I would have to make myself relax so that I could have a light sleep. At the time only a light sleep would make it pass. But I would feel to weak and unwell to fall asleep...weird.

Also I suffer from severe pain in my coccyc due to an inflamation which is very random and has nevr been triggered by an excersize class. My first major flare up happened during a night out with my sister many years ago. I think I would have been about mid 30's. I was dancing and it started to hurt. I left the dance floor knowing how quickly I react but I was too late. I fainted right in front of everyone at the dance floor. It was nothing else. It has happened at a building society too and I collapsed right in front of everyone waiting to be served. Also while shopping with a much younger friend in Liverpool. I might only get a flare up about twice a year now but it knoocks me for six, especially if I don't react straight away. The last time was way over a year ago and I was by myself in Next. I sat down almost straight away on a seat amongst women trying on shoes. I have to sit on my fist for it to go away. Once it has gone it seldom returns unless I get up and its still there slightly !

I also have three sterile ulcers on my eyes due to my dry eyes. They have been taken seriously but two Optician's are not concerned the way they are.

Hindsight is so clear, isn’t it? Make a note of those problems and share them with the rheumatologist when you get there!