Hi guys,
I’m still on a long road to my PsA being under control, but I think I may make some progress now as my doc added sulfasalazine to my Mtx - 500mg twice daily with 7.5mg Mtx weekly and folic acid daily except Mtx day. I really hope this makes a difference but my doc says he thinks I need a biologic to get control and is sending me to a new rheumy for a second opinion as he wasn’t happy with my current rheumies recommendations… See how I go hope everyone is going ok, I haven’t been on here in ages because I have been pretty miserable and I didn’t want to come on here and be too negative when you guys hear enough negativity!!
good luck everyone xox
Thanks Laura, that’s really sweet of you to say, thank you when I need to vent I give my mum a call and chat to her a bit, but I don’t want her to worry about me either and my poor partner already feels so sad about my condition - he said he hates knowing I’m in constant pain and that it breaks his heart
but at least if I talk to you guys, you understand and can relate and hopefully share your thoughts with me too? Xox
Thank you Sybil for sharing your experience with sulfasalazine, I really hope it has some affect on me too
I am taking 25mg MTX injections weekly and 2000mg sulfa daily. My rheumatologist added Sulfa back in Sept as I was still having flares and increased daily pain. It's been a few months now and still having flares and daily pain. I see my doctor at the end of this month and if this continues we are going to look at trying a biologic. Over all the sulfa addition helped with increasing my energy levels. The combination on MTX injection days was tough as the sulfa can increase the side effects of MTX. I was fine until I started taking 4 sulfa a day. Now I cut the night and morning sulfa on injection days. I am also finding the pain levels during a bad flare up has been more tolerable, however this combo is not taking the inflammation down. Hope it works for you....the journey of finding the right meds can take a while, but I have faith there is something that will work ;-)
Thanks TaraLynn, I’m definitely feeling more optimistic now that I’m progressing with different trials for treatment… I was very frustrated when my rheumy just took me off the Mtx when I was having severe side effects and never offered an alternative. But my GP has been awesome and hasn’t given up trying new treatments for me and now has referred me to a new rheumy to get a second opinion
Glad your doctor is wrangling your rheumatologists! Good luck with the new medications. It's hard to know how or when things might start changing so I wish you patience as you begin your new protocol. Cheers!
Thanks janeatiu, I am so happy I found the right doctor after trying so many different gps over the years - he is amazing. I would recommend my friends and family to see him but he has had to temporarily close the books for new patients and can’t currently take on anymore so he has time for his existing patients. Here you are lucky to get 5 minutes with a GP but all of his appointments are minimum 15 minutes and went he spent 40mins with me I was blown away that he didn’t mind getting so far behind for the day, he just wanted to make sure I left there at ease