I increased the Sulfasalazine to 4 pills again a few days ago. Last night was MTX injection night and today the nausea was horrible. I tried to increase the Sulfasalazine the week before and had to cut it back because of the nausea. I'm not sure if its the Sulfasalazine or MTX causing the increase however it's becoming unmanageable. I've also had an increase in flares again and flaring in more joints. It seems this mix is really not working and to be honest I'm feeling the need to take a break from all the meds at this point. My quality of life has rapidly decreased since starting the MTX in April, it's ironic how this disease progressed so rapidly. I see my doctor tomorrow and have a call into my rheumatologist.
TaraLynn, who knows why this is happening. You’ve certainly given it your best shot, but things don’t seem to be improving. I’m glad you’re connecting with your GP and your rheumatologist. Good luck tomorrow!
I'm going to tough it out for a few more months and hopefully this works, increasing the folic acid for the nausea. Still waiting for a call from my Rheumy.
I couldn't handle the Sulfasalazine. It burned my mouth and made me downright miserable. My husband wanted me to tough it out, but I couldn't do it. Good luck, I hope you and your rheumatologist find the right combination.
Thanks Tirezza, I have had the odd mouth sore however the nausea from increasing the dose has been tough. I'm not sure how long the Sulfasalazine takes to work but it's only going on 5 weeks so I'm feeling like I better just tough it out. Hopefully with the increase of folic acid and with time the side effects will decrease.
My flares have increased (new joint inflamed weekly) and overall body ach is really increasing.
Tirezza said:
I couldn't handle the Sulfasalazine. It burned my mouth and made me downright miserable. My husband wanted me to tough it out, but I couldn't do it. Good luck, I hope you and your rheumatologist find the right combination.