New to group, not so new to frustration

Hello to all.

After realizing I really didn't have many people to talk to about my disease, I searched online for a support group and found this one! I reviewed it and it looked pretty good so here I am.

I'm in my early 30's. This all began, as I'm sure it did for many of you with psoriasis. I started with a small patch of psoriasis behind my left knee when I was 12. I knew what it was because I had an "ABC's of the Human Body" book that my Gram had given me. I didn't bother telling my parents, as they always told me we hadn't money for the doctor. PLUS, I knee it wasn't curable nor contagious and just shrugged it off. It later spread to my head, so I used my dad's Denorex. Of course, my little sister gifted the whole house with head lice and my parent's quickly found out what was under all my hair. They freaked the hell out. To the doctor I went! Who agreed with what I had been trying to tell them.

Then if flared up right bad in 9th grade. All over my legs and arms. I was on all sorts of ointments and treatments plus light therapy, which gave me 2nd degree burns to my back. Meanwhile, high school was absolute hell as no one understood what psoriasis was. My parents would bicker back and forth over who "gave" me the disease. (Both had the gene. Dad actually had a small patch of psoriasis but he would oft argue that he didn't get it til he was older, so it couldn't be from him *facepalm*)

It never really seemed to flare down and I just dealt with it, so to speak. Then I heard about biologics. I was so excited!

And I got turned down. Again and again by the insurance companies.

Until I had 75% BSA covered and pustular psoriasis. Finally, finally, I got Enbrel. It was great! I never looked back.

Until I started to get sharp pains in my wrist when I would push myself up. I talked to the PA at my one job and he suggested taking an aspirin daily.

Biggest. Mistake. Ever.

Did NOT know aspirin can flare you up right quick. It sure did me. I went from a wee bit of pain in my wrists to feeling like my wrists were on fire. I saw my PCP, had carpal tunnel ruled out, and off to the Rheumy I went. Got my diagnosis, argued about MTX ( I'd been on it before and DID NOT want it), and was told to take naprosyn 500 bid.

Soooo, guess who got psuedomenigitis from the naprosyn? And the joints really did feel much better. So we switched to Humira. And things were FABULOUS. Heck, I even walked a 5K this early October.

And then the Humira just stopped working. My skin flared up and I realized that my thumb looked like a big ole sausage. I went from feeling fine to suddenly having every joint in my body hurt. I was laid up for a few days. And then my elbow stopped bending or straightening. It was in a 'L' shape.

So back to the rheumy I went. I told the rheumy that I thought the Humira had stopped working. He ignored everything I was saying and said, "Eh it's just a flare up. Let's start MTX." I reminded him I really didn't do well on MTX and really didn't want it. He ignored my concerns and told me to take it anyway. He said he'd see me again in a month and if that didn't work, we'd do Remicade or Stellara. I said "Ok."

I took the MTX like he said, and just like I said, I got sick as hell. Nausea all the time-and yes-I was taking my Folic Acid. My liver enzymes, of course, went up. I saw him again in a month and lo and behold, the bastard lied to me. My joints were not any better, in fact, a bit worse. So I said to him, "So we're going with Remicade now or Stellara, right?"

And then he crushed me. He said,"No, you need to take a higher dose of the MTX for longer." I thought I was going to cry right then and there. He told me he'd see me again in 4 weeks-which would be Xmas and he would be on vacation, which I reminded him of. So he said he'd see me in 6 weeks.

The receptionist said the soonest appointment available would be in 16 weeks. 16 weeks. 16. Weeks. Needless to say I cried. My bf, who is awesome, talked me into seeking a second opinion. Which I did.

First thing the new rheumy did was make my MTX SQ or IM to keep me from feeling so nauseated. Gave me a short trial of pred which made me feel amazing. It was great. All the swelling went down. Of course it came back with a vengeance when the pred taper was over. She said, I'll see you again in 2 weeks and she did see me again in 2 weeks.

Now I'm waiting for Cimzia to get approved by my insurance company. I hope that it'll get approved sooner than later but they're taking their sweet time. Meanwhile, as I'm waiting, I'm getting more and more joint swelling and pain. Previously, I'd only really had pain and disability to my left side. Now I'm getting a big old lump on my Right hand and the ball of my left food has become horribly swollen and inflamed. I can't walk well right now. I thought I'd just lean more on my right but NOPE now I have sharp pain in my right heel.

So now I don't have a good size and I'm getting more and more grumpy and depressed. Yay.

Hi Sunny,
Sorry you’re going through such a crappy time…but so glad you changed your doc!!
Sending you a hug Hun, it’s not surprising you feel so low X

Hi Sunny,

Sorry you have to be here, but this is a great group! The past few years I've been on a med merry-go-round as well. Currently just had my first injection of Stelara on Saturday. Next loading dose in 4 weeks. Then we'll see. Right now my hands are like sausages as well. What a super fun way to spend the holidays!!! :)

I'm glad I switched my doc, too. The biggest thing, hands down is that she's actually available. It's a drive, but worth it. Her office staff are much nicer as well.

Sunny, I’ll bet telling that story was therapeutic. I find that’s one of the best things about this site: you can just tell it all, and we understand. Yes, we’ve been there, to clueless doctors with nasty secretaries, and rheumatologists you can’t get in to see. We’ve ached and we’ve cried and we’ve battled insurance (well, not quite all of us…). Having this disease is one helluva hobby. LOL

I’m so glad you were able to find a doctor in whom you have confidence. I lived for a year and a half with serious doubts about my rheumy, and I finally found medical help that is accessible and makes me feel like I’m looked after, even if I don’t feel so great. It really does make all the difference.

Glad you found us!

Wow! That is an ordeal. It sounds terrible.

I really hope it gets better for you. You really need a break. I'm so glad you found the group. I know for myself it has made such a different knowing I'm not the only one with this. A life living with PsA can feel very lonely. I hope you find the support you need here and the meds you need out there. :) There will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Yeah, telling the story is good. It's gets frustrating that when my family asks what's wrong and I tell them I'll get comments like, "Well I had arthritis and I just took aspirin daily and tumeric and it cleared it right up!" Or they'll say "We wish we knew why you're sick all the time." or from one sister "I swear you have a new diagnosis each day."

Don't you just love the "I just did X and was fine", like you're too dumb to know about this simple solution, and you're just CHOOSING to be ill. Ugh ugh ugh!!

And the "another day, another dx" is also annoying, like you just LOVE collecting diseases :)

Sunny said:

Yeah, telling the story is good. It's gets frustrating that when my family asks what's wrong and I tell them I'll get comments like, "Well I had arthritis and I just took aspirin daily and tumeric and it cleared it right up!" Or they'll say "We wish we knew why you're sick all the time." or from one sister "I swear you have a new diagnosis each day."

Yeah, it's driven me nuts for years. The worst part is I told the guy that I couldn't aspirin and he kept going on about it. Lol. Yeah, I yelled at my sister for that one. I was like, dude, the doctor gave me the diagnosis, I didn't just flip a book and pick one.

Marietta said:

Don't you just love the "I just did X and was fine", like you're too dumb to know about this simple solution, and you're just CHOOSING to be ill. Ugh ugh ugh!!

And the "another day, another dx" is also annoying, like you just LOVE collecting diseases :)

Sunny said:

Yeah, telling the story is good. It's gets frustrating that when my family asks what's wrong and I tell them I'll get comments like, "Well I had arthritis and I just took aspirin daily and tumeric and it cleared it right up!" Or they'll say "We wish we knew why you're sick all the time." or from one sister "I swear you have a new diagnosis each day."

I’m so glad that you were able to find our group, it sounds like you really need some support and some shoulders to lean on right now. You really have been on quite a roller coaster ride. I hope that things are going to start even out for you very soon. It is so frustrating especially in the beginning when you’re trying to get a diagnosis, A doctor who cares, and medications that will actually work without making you sick at the same time. Hopefully this is the beginning of some stability for you. I hope you find that this is a really great group to be a member of; everyone is so supportive and so kind and for your really bad days it’s just what we need. if you’re ever in need of a place to rant, vent, or just compare symptoms with you found the right place and we’re happy to have you here.

Thank you Grumpy. The worst part is I've had a diagnosis for over 2 years but I've been told that most likely the chronic pain and inflammation I've had in my various muscles, etc, for various years was mostly likely be due to PsA.

Yeah, it’s tough to get “settled in”-figure what is coming from where. A lot of us are late to the official diagnosis and as a consequence-treatment. One day, this will start getting caught early.

Ugh, the worst part is I've had psoriasis since I was so young and have been told numerous times that because of the pitting of my nails I was at a super high risk for PsA.

GrumpyCat said:

Yeah, it's tough to get "settled in"-figure what is coming from where. A lot of us are late to the official diagnosis and as a consequence-treatment. One day, this will start getting caught early.