I have just signed up and I'm really hoping to learn more about my condition. I was diagnosed recently and I'm taking methotrexate and prednisone. At the moment I have inflamation in my rib joints so I'm also taking trepoline to help me sleep and tramaset for the pain. This is all a bit of a whirlwind experience.
I have a 21 month old son and I am a grade 2 teacher so I need my body to work :-)
Does this get easier to mange? It feels a bit like I'm drowning right now, but hopefully that's because its all so new. (and because of all the drugs)
Welocme, KBG! First things first: yes, it does get easier. And trust us, most of us know the drowning feeling! Feel free to vent, that’s one of the things that we’re here for.
Hi KGB! Yes, it can and will get better. So sad to hear of young people with little kids struggling with the aches and pains and worry that goes along with this disease. I can't speak for others, but I think most of us at some point felt hopeless. Knowing what it can do to our joints-how potentially painful and crippling it can be is so scary. I was more afraid of the meds before I joined this group, though. All the possible SEs from biologics on the TV ads--I just kept telling myself I'd be nuts to take anything with such SEs. Come to find out, those SEs are really rare. So, with the encouragement of our friends here I got on Enbrel a little over 3 months ago. I feel like a new person--actually like my old self! Now my only fear is somehow I won't get my Enbrel shipment on time and my shot will be delayed, causing my symptoms to come back. People have all sorts of different experiences from biologics-most of us don't have any SEs. My immune system seems as good as ever, since I've been in close contact with a grdaughter with mono, one with strep, and several with head colds or bronchitis, and I haven't caught any of these illnesses. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm doing really well now, so I'm optimistic. Good luck to you, and never hesitate to come to this place for support. We all understand what you're going through. :-)