New Here . My first post. Sorry so long

One thing that helps me is when sadness comes, I try to think not of the things I cannot do, but rejoice in the things I can still do.

I am so sick today. Seems day number 2 after my MTX shot makes me so sick. I am so tired and wishing I would just throw up because my stomach hurts so badly. Is this normal ? My first shot made me tired but not so sick. Same dose of 15mgs. Supposed to taper pred down again tomorrow to 25mgs. I am just tired of this and I hate compaining so much but seems all I can do right now is take it as it comes...

Sorry you're having such a rough time with your dose this week. I had a lot of nausea when I was on MTX, and I don't think I touched vegetables for at least a month. You should be able to take pepto-bismol to settle your stomach, and will want to talk to your doctor about the level of nausea. Are you taking folic acid too?

It never made me sick, but my sister had a hard time when she was on it.

Welcome! So glad you found this site! I found it a little over a year ago when I was first diagnosed with PsA at age 27. I thought that my life as I knew it was over. I was in so much pain, and it only got worse I was taking 8 20ml mtx pills a week cant even tell you how many times i took steroids, went through many many diffrent types of pain medication and non of them worked for me. finally after several months i started taking humira and right before i started i was given a cortizone shot and every week since then i have been improving. it has been a long hard road and i found a strenght in myself that i didnt even know exsisted! I have many days where i am just plain exhausted and i have learn my new limitations there are some things that i have had to accept i can no longer do but I dont think i would have made this much progress without an amazing rhumey! I also have no insurance but i was able to find a doctor that worked out a payment plan with me and helped me get my humira at almost no cost i signed up for the walgreens perscription plan which has saved me so much money! I think having the right rhumey is important so if you arent confident in your current one i urge you to find one that you are confident in!

I wish you the best of luck and if you ever need to talk Im here :)