
4th week of methotrexate and was so fatigued for 5 days that I really do not know if I want to take it again. My rheumy is calling in a medication to take that is suppose to decrease the side effects. Anyone out there having extreme fatigue after taking this medication??

Hi Ollie,

I am also on my 4th week, like you its making me very tired. However it is early days and takes a few more weeks to work. I am also taking steriods and anti inflammatory to help until MTX kicks in, maybe this may help you.

How are you bloods? If your inflammation markers are raised or rising as mine are this could also cause the fatigue.

Try and stay positive its just a case of trial and error with meds to start.

What is your dose? Maybe it's too much? What is the other med that your rheumy is calling in? I know the fatiguer. To me it felt like I hit a brick wall & had to lay down. Good Luck.

Thanks for your response. I am gonna try it again tomorrow with the new med to counteract the side effects, but if I do not do better this week, then I am stopping it. I would rather have joint pain, than be miserable and tired all the time.

lastshooter said:

Yup I lasted app. three months. Only positive thing it done was clear up lesions. Stuff made me so sick I could hardly get out of bed.

At present unless Humira starts doing better, I find it over rated.

Just my experiences though, I'm sure many have had more positve results from each.

Thanks for the support. I am not scheduled for labwork for 2 more weeks. Hopefully the new med will counteract some of the fatigue. I am a nurse and work full time and cannot be fatigued 4 out of 7 days a week and survive. I think I am still in denial also as I am just recently diagnosed. I know I need to slow down, but it is hard when you have lived a fast paced life for so long.

blue said:

Hi Ollie,

I am also on my 4th week, like you its making me very tired. However it is early days and takes a few more weeks to work. I am also taking steriods and anti inflammatory to help until MTX kicks in, maybe this may help you.

How are you bloods? If your inflammation markers are raised or rising as mine are this could also cause the fatigue.

Try and stay positive its just a case of trial and error with meds to start.

I take 6 methotrexate tablets weekly and 2 folic acid tablets daily. I have not been by the pharmacy to pick up the new med that will be replacing the folic acid tablets. I will get it tomorrow. I have never felt to tired in my life, except when I had mono years ago. The strange thing is when the fatigue goes away, I feel normal for about 3 days and then it is time to take another dose. I do not like this disease, but I am not in control and I don't like that either. LOL. I am a type A personality and believe this disease is going to teach me alot about patience and the need to take care of myself. I have always been the one taking care of everyone else. Thank you for your support. :)

meg said:

What is your dose? Maybe it's too much? What is the other med that your rheumy is calling in? I know the fatiguer. To me it felt like I hit a brick wall & had to lay down. Good Luck.

The new med is leucovorin calcium 10mg, just called and asked the pharmacist. Got to look it up cuz I have never heard of it.

ollie said:

I take 6 methotrexate tablets weekly and 2 folic acid tablets daily. I have not been by the pharmacy to pick up the new med that will be replacing the folic acid tablets. I will get it tomorrow. I have never felt to tired in my life, except when I had mono years ago. The strange thing is when the fatigue goes away, I feel normal for about 3 days and then it is time to take another dose. I do not like this disease, but I am not in control and I don't like that either. LOL. I am a type A personality and believe this disease is going to teach me alot about patience and the need to take care of myself. I have always been the one taking care of everyone else. Thank you for your support. :)

meg said:

What is your dose? Maybe it's too much? What is the other med that your rheumy is calling in? I know the fatiguer. To me it felt like I hit a brick wall & had to lay down. Good Luck.


I am a nurse too and know the Type A personality well! I too have had to get use to being cared for and taking care of myself and have learned buckets full about patience. My thoughts are the fatigue may be from nflammation from the PsA more than the methotrexate but I could be wrong. I found the mtx took monthe to work and for the s/e to go away but left me with less fatigue not more. But just my thoughts.

Are you female? I am female with the name of Michael. Glad to meet you Ollie and send you hugs and prayers.

Yes I am a female. glad to meet you to Michael and thanks for your response.

Yep, MTX certainly makes me more fatigued, I take it saturday night and can’t work until the tuesday as I’m so wiped out. The PsA makes me tired anyway and with MTX on top, well, its space cadet time lol. I’ve been on it since July 2011 and I’ve sort of got used to dealing with the fatigue and some weeks are better than others. But at least I can fuction on MTX which before it started to work I couldn’t. I find its just a case of being organised, get things done on the days I’m more likely to be better and rest more on the very bad days…and Coffee!!!

I have to take 5mg of Folic Acid on every day except on the day I take my Mtx. It is my understanding this is to help with the side effects. So many of my meds can also cause nausea as well, so it is hard to know what causes what.

I find the best way to fight my fatigue is to eat as healthy as I possibly can. 5 Vegetables and 3 fruits daily with a handful of nuts. I eat meat but limit the amount of red meat. No processed food, No over refined foods, No preservatives or chemical additives. I only use Organic Coconut Oil the healthiest oil known to grease a pan. Generally no fried foods.

I know this is not easy to do and it is a constant battle for me to keep up the food preparation and the shopping and I don't always manage to do what I recommend. I do know it helps me when I do and I am consistent.

Wishing you well