Loss of sense of taste for salty and sweet

Has anyone experienced a loss of the sense of taste for sweet or salty foods/drinks? I’ve had the sweet happen multiple times and the salty once so far. I’ve been on mtx for almost a year, and also take rheumate and sulfasalazine. I lose the taste for a few weeks, and then it comes back. Losing the taste for salty was horrible as even water tasted different. I have an appt in a few weeks and will ask then, but I thought I’d see if anyone here has experienced that. Thank you!

Hey @yvonne2. First I need to say I’m not on any meds currently. I haven’t lost any sense of taste but I’ve had it when some things just taste different or weird. I’ve also “smelled” things that weren’t there like smoke and like someone was cooking bacon. Then the next day or soon after, is when my taste buds were off. Sorry I don’t know about the meds. I’ve not been on any when this has happened.

Hi yvonne, I’m sorry I haven’t had that experience either. Do ask though, because rarely it can be a vague symptom of something else underlying. Let us know how you get on :):grinning:

I haven’t lost a sweet/salty taste - too bad! - but I have definitely had a change after several years of methotrexate, prednisone and leflunomide. I was a coffee fiend, at least four cups daily. Cannot drink it anymore!

I have lost most of my taste buds, part of a reaction to humira, so I’m told. Now I’m having issue with sensitive teeth. Just never know what tomorrow will bring.