Just need to rant

Well lets get startd. I got my work review it sucked got wrote up for my doctor writing me out of work for three days. Then to top it off the big boss said I was slow that was before I started on my new meds. Well it is hard to go fast when you are in so much pain you are about to cry and you are dragging your right foot. So got wrote up for that too. I just need to get some stuff off my chest sorry. Then at home I have my son he is 11 my pride and joy apple of my eye. Well he has autism, manic epsodes, ADHD, and ODD and the list goes on. there are days I have to restraint him and it hurts so bad it feels like Iam being beating all the way to my bones from the pain. This feels so good to get out.

You poor thing! To be dealing with the issues your child has much be draining enough, but to have PSA on top of that must be daunting. I hope you have a good support network of people around you who will understand and be able to help out? It seems there is a lot of support on here, so don’t be afraid to come on here and get it all off your chest. Sometimes a rant can just be as good as pain relief !!

Rant, IL-Gal! That is what we are here for. And I, for one, am outraged at your being written up for being ill. If you weren’t ill, would the doctor have booked you off for three days? Having PsA is bad enough with out having a boss who is totally without a clue.
Hug that loveable boy of yours as tight as you can, and, as Sybil says, do what you have to do to hang onto that job until something better comes along. And most of all, take good care of yourself!

Bless your heart. Your doctor should fill out FMLA papers for.

My right foot just started to become painful and it seems that everyday that passes its worse and more swollen than the day before. I never knew it would affect us like this. I'm praying for you!!!!

But the there are those days that the unique logic an thought process of those kids just make you laugh (if you let it) They decided to have my grandaughter help with paper recycling. They didn't supervise really well. Her para was suspicious when she quit using her locker. So they went to investigate. the entire locker was full bottom to top with impecably stacked paper. All neatly torn into fourths ( if you rip a paper into fourths you have four pieces which is much better than having one. but then each fourth has to be ripped into four more.....)Then there are those other days. Do you get any respite care? It is the ONLY thing that keeps us going. Yeah I get it message me anytime.

Sorry to hear that you have such a horrible work situation. I should think they would be more understanding. Disease like ours and other things could strike anybody at any time. People need to be more compassionate and caring for others. You did not ask for PsA. This world would be a much better place if business owners and leaders would be more thoughtful when it comes to people with disabilities. Where I work and in many places, it's frowned upon to use your sick leave. I know people who have hundreds of hours piled up. It is a benefit, but for instance, one of my coworkers (who is also above me) will make remarks about people who call in sick. She's lucky because she has excellent health. When my back hurt, I felt really bad calling in sick for a couple days. I always try to schedule physical therapy outside of my work hours, which makes it difficult to get the therapist I like the best. But, it's so frowned upon to take time off, it puts me on a guilt trip, even if I only take an hour off at the end of the day! I'm lucky in that I don't work 40 hours so I'm not so stressed as you are trying to juggle a full-time job plus a child with autism and all the challenges that go along with that. I hope things go better for you in the future!