I have posted something similar before but I am having a lot of jaw pain under my teeth. I have found out that Psa can affect your jaw. Should I be concerned. What should I expect
Yes I completely get where you are coming from. I am totally over it. It has affected internal organs. I have a good dentist but need to get him to X-ray my jaw. Chewing too much causes pain and any dental works causes nearly crippling pain in my jaw and the very bottom of my teeth where the root is in my jaw. Shoulders hips hands feet affected and now maybe my jaw. It has greatly impacted my life
I have PsA in my jaw. I am in search of a dentist that takes my insurance and will deal with me and my multiple issues.
I have had success lessening jaw issues with both craniosacral therapy and chiropractic (although my chiropractor knows a lot about jaw issues, not all do).
I am having a lot of jaw pain, a flare up I guess. When I eat, or move my mouth I get a lot of pain in my jaw. Pain killers only alleviate it a little.
My initial flare started with knee, ankle, foot and jaw pain. The jaw pain was terrible. I couldn't chew AT ALL. The TMJ doctor I went to said jaw pain is not PsA related. She was not correct.