My scalp has been really bad recently and I was wondering if this was Psoriasis looked online and the other photos look really different to mine. As i'm at the beginning of my diagnosis process i'm wondering whether they got it wrong and this is just another skin condition/normal dandruff. Does anyone know if this is what it looks like?
Don't know what yours looks like, but my psoriasis has always been in my scalp. Mine doesn't look like the photos on line either, but it is. Thick, hard patches, causes flakes. It was actually what put my rheumy onto PsA. Oh and my the way, mine is only on the left side of my scalp, it doesn't go to both sides.
Looks just like mine. Mine is a mild case and doesn’t present like the classic textbook case, either. Certain shampoos can irritate it. Tea tree natural shampoo is very soothing. I wash my hair every other day. If I go more than that, it gets out of control. I also follow diets that don’t encourage the psoriasis. For me, processed sugar aggregates the psoriasis. This winter with all the dry forced heat isn’t helping. Good luck to you.
Thank you! I was just doubting it as the Doctor never really looked at my scalp properly to check if it was Psoriasis or not. It is quite bad and is in patches all over my scalp. Will try changing my diet/shampoo
Hi Seenie, yes I have it in my right ear too, I was given some cream for that but it didn't work. It is really itchy and quite embarrassing when my clothes are covered in it!!
Ah, Charlotte. My Mother died before I was diagnosed. My rheumatologist suspected psoriasis based on my nails, and sent me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist asked about family history of psoriasis, and I said there was none, but then I described my Mom’s skin ailments. She had flaky patches on her scalp, and an extremely itchy/flaky/inflamed “eczema” (her GP called it) in her ears. The dermatologist was unequivocal: she said, “Your Mother had psoriasis. Itchy scales in the ear is ALWAYS psoriasis.” I was quite taken aback with how confident she was of that.
It is that then, I just wanted to check with the consultant not checking it to make sure. Keep plodding with the MTX, I must just be in denial today! SOrry to hear about your mum, my Dad has psoriasis and arthritis maybe he has the same one as me too.
Of course, you will check this with the consultant. But it certainly sounds like it.
My Mother was 90 when she died, and she lived a good life until the last three years. I’m now sure, however, that she had PsA too. Not as bad as mine, but I do wish she had had a diagnosis and treatment. That would have spared her much pain and several surgeries.
I never had a formal diagnosis of psoriasis before getting PsA. I had a lot of weird rashes that were biopsied as eczema, but my scalp has been dry my entire life. When I went into a full-blown flare all around, my scalp looked exactly like your pictures. At first, the dermatologist gave me mometasone furoate topical fluid that worked pretty well without making my hair too funky. Eventually the MTX and biologics cleared it all up. I found it to be pretty tender as well as the pain in the butt factor of all the thick flakes. I tried all of the dandruff shampoos, none of them really helped me.