Immediate flare up caused by stress and sensitivity to other's emotions

Shawn asks: "I wonder if life is just such a constant slamming of outside stimuli to us that it makes us sick. Just a thought, or atleast makes whatever we are prone to much worse."

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if your theory was correct. We tend to ignore the constant slamming of stimuli and frustrations in order to keep on churning and keep on keeping on. Then one day, BLAMMO! We can no longer keep on keeping on. Maybe we are the people who "feel" it more intellectually, and then, as a result, physically. There is a strong link between mind and body. I think we just don't put enough effort into examining the many ways that the mind influences the body.

Well said!!

I'll drink to that!

I agree! I’m on vacation with my bipolar husband and his actions just caused an immediate flare up of allover it itching and bumps. I could see them just start appearing. Mind body emotions are all connected, you are so right.

Like my Chiropractor says about our body, "It's all one unit"!

Hope things level out and that you can relax and enjoy!


Saying Hi, hoping things have become brighter for you, girlfriend!


thanks for posting this. my hubby and i joined the forum together.. he has the PsA and I am the caregiver. This flare up is severe.. so severe it lead to finally getting the dx. Interestingly, in March he was also dx'd with bipolar- a severe episode. We never knew he had bipolar as he drank to self-medicate through episodes. I just thought he was binge drinking and being a jerk. We'd move past it. But it's all official. He is medicated and the bipolar is under control for now and he is totally compliant. He quit drinking 100% too. He was off work 3 months recovering from the psych hospitalization and getting settled with the bipolar meds and dx... and the psoriasis that he had seemed to clear up.... then within 1 1/2 weeks of returning to work the PsA got sooooo bad. He is not on meds yet as the docs just ran the bloodwork yesterday. I believe 100% that the flare up is connected to his emotional stability. This last bipolar episode which finally gave us the dx.... and relearning all about himself... not to mention that we have 2 young children (one of which is disabled and often stressful caring for her)... I think the stress of it all expeciallly his work which he does not enjoy at all has caused the PsA to go crazy. I am just learning. Learning and praying. I found this forum last night. I need support and information. All shares are welcome. Thanks.

You will find this site amazingly helpful. People are educated and have the experience I needed to answer my questions. Havinga great rheumy is the first line of defense. He will get the perfect cocktail of meds…but it may take awhile. We eliminateda much stress as possible and she takes the meds regularly…she is not on biologics yet…just methotrexate andone other…hydro something. The stress factor is huge for my daughter and she takes citlopram for anxiety. She is only 21 and diagnosed last January. She is only just,better now…six months in. I will pray for you. I wonder if medical marijuana would help?