
Can anyone tell me if they tried enbril first then switched to humira. My body rejected Enbril and had a horrible reaction. I’m suppose to start humira Saturday and I scared to death. I’m feeling a little discourage because everything i have tried my body has rejected and my PA has gotten worse

I have not, but. . . . I was wondering how fast your reaction was. Is this something that you should be starting in the doctors office?

I hope that this works well for you. That’s a real shame that the first biologic was an absolute bust for you.

It was my 2nd injection…it’s started as a red site injection reaction then turned into a huge infection…both my thighs were inflamed, red nd infected and turned into cellulitis. Just frustrating because everything I try my body rejects to some form

Omg, Wendy, that's horrible! Idk if that's an allergic reaction? I started out doing my Enbrel injection in my thighs, but switched to my stomach near my belly button. That's the preferred site, according to the Enbrel nurse. I had a small red blotch when I did it on my thighs the first several times, but no reaction at all on my stomach..and no bleeding from the needle, either. It's supposed to be injected into fat. I wipe it with two alcohol pads before the injection, let it dry a few seconds, and wipe it with an alcohol pad after I inject, too. (I'm a bit of a germaphobe!)

I hope you have better luck with Humira. The biologics are really great stuff when they work! I can understand your fear, though! Oh, and we had liquid Benadryl handy for me when I took my first shots, just in case I was allergic.

Yah I did the alcohol wipes nd squirted my thighs with rubbing alcohol , sanitized my hands and sanitized after I was done. I am hoping this next round works. My body has rejected everything. Instead of suppressing autoimmune system my immune system actually attacked it and went into overtime and therefore caused more PA issues in the joints. Thank you for the idea of benadryl on hand. Did u take some or just wait to see?

I am on my sixth biological and I think we have found one that works pretty well for me. I tried humiria first and had a reaction similar to what you describe as your reaction to Enbrel. Enbrel worked well for me for about nine months and then petered out. Next I tried Simponi and that really didn’t do anything. Next up was another trial of Enbrel but again it petered out at around 6 months.then I tried remicade but it really didn’t do much at all for 12 months. I have been on stelara for around a year and it is working better now then when I started it. Some people seem to get good relief with the first biological they try.mothers have to try a few before they find one that works well for them. I am one of a very few who will have trouble finding one that works. I hope your next one treats you better.

Thank you and me too. I am glad I found this site because I truly thought it was just my body hating me since it’s been rejecting everything. I have been reading that this happens to a lot of PA patients.

Hi Wendy, I just had the liquid Benadryl on hand. Didn't need to take it. Wow, well at least you have a good immune system!! So interesting how our bodies fight--usually it's a good thing, but in the case of autoimmune disease, it's not so good--especially when it goes into overdrive against the biologic! You know, I'm just thinking that's why people like me have the low WBC count and the biologic is working--I'm thinking that's the key! But, on the flip side, it's crappy because if the WBCs get too low, people like me could catch a bad bug/infection! If that happens I'll be off Enbrel and back to the good old PsA pain!

Anyway, hang in there--as happened with michael in vermont and many other people, sooner or later one of the biologics will work and you'll feel so much better!

Wendy said:

Yah I did the alcohol wipes nd squirted my thighs with rubbing alcohol , sanitized my hands and sanitized after I was done. I am hoping this next round works. My body has rejected everything. Instead of suppressing autoimmune system my immune system actually attacked it and went into overtime and therefore caused more PA issues in the joints. Thank you for the idea of benadryl on hand. Did u take some or just wait to see?

Hey Wendy--I used to be on Enbrel and I now take Humira. Neither drug gave me the slightest reaction. I am an advocate for the pre-filled syringe over the auto inject pens as you have more control over the way you administer the medication and because, frankly, I find those auto inject pens painful and barbaric!

Good luck with Humira.

Lol Janeatiu, I feel the same about syringes! So scared of seeing a needle go in me--autoinjectors are my only choice... :-)