How many people fall from PSoriatric Arthrits- Does your leg give out or is it Cymbalta?

Does anybody have falls from this disease where your legs give out walking more than even a few feet and does anybody know of or have experience with cymbalta- my husband thinks. My falls have increased I don't want to be extra depressed and can't help but winds if it is just the disease progression? Any thoughts? I'm hurting worse after the last fall.

I have had several serious falls over the last several months resulting in injuries that range from bruising to a concussion. I have not talked to my doctor about it as of yet, but will when I seen my Rheumy this month. Sometimes it feels like I tripped in something (nothing was there to trip in ) and other times my leg just gives out. I have not taken Cymbalta so cannot help you on that score. Take extra precaution when using stairs and pay attention to every step you take and also to the unevenness of ground outside. Good luck.

Thanks, we should keep in touch, because every day I don't fall is an accomplismment in and of itself. Today is day 2 post fall and I feel worse today than 2 days ago.I will take your advice about walking . Anyone else?

Easternlady said:

I have had several serious falls over the last several months resulting in injuries that range from bruising to a concussion. I have not talked to my doctor about it as of yet, but will when I seen my Rheumy this month. Sometimes it feels like I tripped in something (nothing was there to trip in ) and other times my leg just gives out. I have not taken Cymbalta so cannot help you on that score. Take extra precaution when using stairs and pay attention to every step you take and also to the unevenness of ground outside. Good luck.

I fell once then I started walking with a cane. It helps esp with long distances but also helps me to balance at times. I have not fallen since I started using them ( I have 3 different canes to go with my outfits!)