Isn’t it fun? I read the article and that’s not the first time I heard of PsA being linked with aorta problems. I read a long time ago persons with PsA have a greater risk of aortic rupture.
A earlier CT showed a slightly enlarged aorta, he wasn’t concerned but ordered a UltraSound with Doppler to check out the heart valves.
Had my Echo Cardiogram today, the tech explained how it worked to me… She did say, “So, do you have a follow up with the Doctor?” I said, “well if I need one…” She said they would probably be calling me”… I am sure I am reading into this…
Jon it seems to never end for you, doesn’t it? Keep us posted.
Thanks, never a dull moment for me.
Though I am more concerned for my brother with pancreatic cancer, a little leaking valve is no biggy… I am visiting with him tomorrow.
Gives me hope that Humira will help me with some of the same issues!
I second that!
I know from reading our Psa affects the connective tissue around/in joints. The heart has connective tissue also. So yes we need to be aware and keep an eye on our hearts. My brother who only has skin psoriasis had 4 blocked arteries and open heart surgery. My dr. Immediately ordered a heart CT scan of my heart that showed no blockages. With my dr.’s blessing I entered a study run by my chiropractor. She has me taking supplements and trace minerals to improve heart muscle function. I get heart monitoring in her office every 2 months. So far it shows more efficient work of muscle, I have lower pulse when I exercise. So get your heart checked and take care of it!
My Cardiologist is on vacation, but the office called and one of the other Doctors said that one of the chambers was 40mm but that was not to concerning, I will here more when my doctor returns. It is a little larger than the last echocardiogram.
Maybe I will ask if I can start celebrex again, for my OA?
So, I stopped by my doctor’s office and picked up the test results from my blood test and Echocardiogram. So the Ascending Aorta, has widened by 3mm since my CT in 2015, it is now 40mm. Still mild, but something they will want to keep an eye on, because there is a greater risk factor for a aneurysm if you have PsA. Once my doctor gets back from his vacation I will see if he wants to do a follow up.
Everything else is normal, so that is good…
Nice to hear everything else is normal Jon
PS. I’m just going to pretend I didn’t read that thing about increased risk of aneurysm with PsA
I wouldn’t worry @Jen75 simply getting older increases the risk of an aneurysm:rofl:
Nothing to see here, move along, move along…
The study said; “people with connective tissue disease often get diagnosed with aneurysms at a earlier age”… I figured that would cheer you up…
Thank you! I went out for dinner with an older friend during the week, she doesn’t have PsA but is on a watch given an aneurysm. So I’ve sort of spent the last few days thinking of aneurysms when I really didn’t want to…
Opps… Maybe it is your intuition telling you to get a echocardiogram check up? You should listen to your intuition…
Enough already, please. My intuition is telling me ‘here’s a lovely comfy sandpit, please get in it and keep covered up’!
okay, just go on with your life, like you didn’t read this post…
laughing Jon!
Yep, that’s me. The day something actually happens (even just a weird symptom), I’ll be all guns blazing. Till then, Ostrich it is