How many have tested positive for HLA-B27?

This is the genetic marker for Psoriatic Spondylitis, inflammation of the spine. Those with spinal involvement are most likely to test positive, and those who test positive are most likely to have spinal involvement. Inflammation of the spine can lead to complete fusion, or can skip areas, where only the neck and lower back are involved, this is referred to as Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Hi...I had a positive test for HLA-B27. My father had it Psoriasis and PsA, and was HLA-B27 positive so I was kind of expecting it to be positive. I definitely have spinal involvement, as well as SI joints and neck and my hands, which seem to be very problematic at the moment.

Is this a normal part of the PsA testing, or do the rheumies only do this when you have back issues? It sounds expensive.

Depends on the Rheumy (and/or country) Over of 60% with the disease are HLA B 27 NEGATIVE. Its an expensive test and they have found a new marker recently. The more common trend of late with the younger docs is to treat symptoms and less testing. As there is no definitive test for PsA (or AS) its a crap shoot anyway for Dx. However there are scaled critera I suggest evryone print them and take them to every Rheumy appointment id you are having trouble getting a Dx and treatment. (I hope Petunia is still reading) The rerasons I have read here for REJECTION of a Dx or withholding aggressive treatment are by and large PURE BS You will note in NONE of the various scales is HLA B-27 even remotley important (or even considered in most) Nor is Radiographic damage of SI damage etc etc:

If you scale with any of the criteria above and are not getting the treatment you need I'd scream or excuse my rant - fire the SOB

This test was not used for/with my diagnosos, but the Rheumatologist knew it was in my family before I did, he knew before he even saw me or saw my fingernails. I was curious as to how many had been tested, and knew from the test that they were positive. Perhaps my wording was misleading. I need to tell a couple of the gals on the FMS site to come have a look at this.

I've not had the test (I'm too cheap) but am curious. Both my mom and sis wound up in"chairs" with this stuff. If I had bio kids I might though. There was several in one of the other forums denied treatment by thier insurance compansy because they were negative (so they said). I know she appealed but don't know how it came out. (Thus my earlier rant)

That's a 'damned if you do' if I ever heard one!

Thanks Tntlamb, I'll make sure petunia gets it. We correspond offlist.

tntlamb said:

Depends on the Rheumy (and/or country) Over of 60% with the disease are HLA B 27 NEGATIVE. Its an expensive test and they have found a new marker recently. The more common trend of late with the younger docs is to treat symptoms and less testing. As there is no definitive test for PsA (or AS) its a crap shoot anyway for Dx. However there are scaled critera I suggest evryone print them and take them to every Rheumy appointment id you are having trouble getting a Dx and treatment. (I hope Petunia is still reading) The rerasons I have read here for REJECTION of a Dx or withholding aggressive treatment are by and large PURE BS You will note in NONE of the various scales is HLA B-27 even remotley important (or even considered in most) Nor is Radiographic damage of SI damage etc etc:

If you scale with any of the criteria above and are not getting the treatment you need I'd scream or excuse my rant - fire the SOB

You know, I didn't know enough to ask when I got my diagnosis and didn't really think about it. I'll ask next time I go to the rheumy. I do have a PsA/spondylitis diagnosis.

Lamb, I have been trying to find a cost on this test, any idea?

Its well over $300.00 here. I found a discount lab for you:

Not sure if they use chicken blood and incantations but they are cheap........

I did not have the HLA B27 test . They all know I have PsA though and the rheum says " Es... it's all PsA " I do have a Sed and had a CRP. I had a host of tests Lupus and what not. They all came back negative. The surgeon says I have the most damage to tissue he has ever seen. So I know I have it and MTX and Humira work .

Don't you just love for a seasoned Doctor to tell you that you're the worst they have ever seen?

I am seeing that the newly trained Primary Care Physicians are being taught to use this test to eliminate years, still estimated at 7 years, of diagnostic tests, even though not all who have the disease will test positive. The info that lamb found say they can determine other autoimmune diseases as well. I guess I need find out for sure, I have enough medical records to overflow at least one large shopping cart!

Hi all.

Petunia here. DJadeDmara brought this thread to my attention, due to tntlamb's very interesting link. I thank both Dee and lamb, or else I would not have seen the link. According to several of the criterias on there, I DO have PsA...and then do NOT from several others.

I did have the HLA-B27 test and it was negative. Big relief because I have the awful SI and back pain and looking at the photos of the "bamboo spine" is a little intimidating, to say the least.

I do believe I'll continue to read threads on this site, and respond at times, due to the info lamb has sent us. And yes, you can bet I'll show it to my new rheumy in July. Better safe than sorry.

HLA B27 Positive here, my issues started with SI & Lower back pain for a few years before anything else was effected.

I have inflammation in the spine (and costo, yay), but no HLA-B27. Interestingly enough, the researchers focused on peripheral disease actually found HLA-B27 was “protective” with respect to erosional disease in peripheral joints, whist causing ankylosis in spinal ones. Everything is a double edged sword here! :slight_smile:

I tested negative, but I still have PsA Spondylitis.