How likely is it that my children will have PsA?

Thank you for sharing that info. My 7 year old has some worrisome patches that I am hoping are eczema but looking more psoriasis like. I have an appointment for him with this pediatrician tomorrow. I will ask about the factor HLA B27. said:

Hello my worrisome friend - I can so relate to your concerns. I was dx with Psoriasis at age 8 and PsA at 25. I am now 51 and have developed several autoimmune diseases. Thankfully, none of my 3 children have been affected and my youngest is 16. I can tell you that there is a blood test for a factor called HLA B27 that can give an indication if your child may be prone to autoimmune diseases in general. You may want to ask your rheumatologist about it. I have my children seen every couple years by mine, just for my peace of mind. God bless you and remember, you wouldn't NOT have had children, so treasure every healthy day they have. Treatments improve every single day, so they will have better treatments if they do become affected