High Cholesterol

I finally received a CD of the x-rays the GP ordered (too late to take to rheumy appointment, but that’s how it goes). I’ve never lingered over pics of my bits in the comfort of my own home before. I don’t recommend it. For a start, I expected to see my pelvis so what the hell are these two bony old geezers holding hands doing in there?

My Pelvis


were they not in a sci-fi film once?

Great how the brain sees faces in everything, isn’t it! The amount of times I go to bed and then end up getting out and rearranging something on a shelf because it looks like someone staring at me!


They sort of look like two old centaurs if you ask me! Holding hooves and dancing–thinking about kissing or something!

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Do they both have cigarettes sticking out of their mouths???

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I think so, maybe cigars … ? I reckon they’re clinching some sort of deal.

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They are doing a dance on the tune of “I like big butts and I cannot lie” XD while vaping and making smoke figures :joy::joy:


Hmmmm, suspicious. Sounds like you know these guys rather well …

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:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: so funny I don’t think I can ever look at a picture like that again without laughing out loud

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So, what did the radiologist report say? Abnormal people posing as pelvic bones living inside of you?


I think they’re smoking joints.


Yup. Damaged joints.


What kind of joints? Because she’s having terrible back pain–shouldn’t the “joints” be helping her back joints feel better? I’m confused…


I don’t know why but I’m having a few probs taking my x-ray seriously.

Grandma_J, report? What report lol! But my rheumy said the pain may be PsA-related. Or it could be a bulging disc intermittently pressing on the nerves to my bowel (the thing that really took me to the GP was that I lost all sensation of needing to um, go for a few weeks, in addition to pain). So if it happens again I’m to ask for an MRI ASAP. I guess that was because all x-rays show is my inner ol’ joint puffing, butt-loving, dancing, kissing scallywags. I’m just glad someone’s having a good time.

I think I actually love the whole bunch of you.


Yes, an MRI would show if there’s a disc giving you trouble and all the inflammation would light up. Not being able to feel the sensation of having to go to the bathroom is a very serious problem! I remember when my back went out the doctor told me to report immediately if that happened to me!
How is it now? Is there any improvement? Did your doctor pile on a **itload of pills? – something I know you don’t care for! You gotta get to the bottom of this. (I want to chuckle, but this really isn’t a laughing matter!)
Aw, we all love you, too!
Do you want some advice from me? Does icing help at all?

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I’m good now, naturally! Nothing like a good moan to work some magic.
Heat helped, but I remember thinking I should brace myself & go for ice like you have said before I think. No pills just yet though my rheumy advocates statins for the cholesterol 'cos of the increased cardiovascular risk with PsA. And she said PsA does contribute to high cholesterol levels.
You have also said you avoid lifting heavy weights, I recall. I’m going to be less gungho about such things at least. Maybe even ask for help :roll_eyes:

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And we are being soooooo helpful!