
Hi , I just joined the group on Sat. June 7th and would like to say hello and to thank you for welcoming to your group . Already I don't feel so alone in my pain and symptoms . I hope I will be as comforting and as helpful to all of you as well . Hello again and I look forward to many hopeful and encouraging discussions .Thanks Soreiasis

We are glad for you to be here as well! It is amazing how good it can feel to know that you are no longer alone with this. This site has been my saving grace, and I am not sure where I would be without this community.

I sincerely welcome you to our group and hope we are as much comfort to you as we can be. If you need anything, just ask. :-)

Hi ,it was so nice to sign on this morning and meet my new friends .Didn't feel so well this morning but I am going to push through it.Sometimes I don't know if this feeling sick feeling is the disease or side effects of the medications.I have a very supportive husband so I am blessed with that .Hoping you all have a good day .

Yes, Soriasis, we are the friends who “get” what you’re going through. I remember the comfort this site gave me when I was first diagnosed with this nasty, oddball disease. And now I’m happy to give back. I still have my miserable moments and my episodes of denial, but being active on this site has helped tremendously.

Don’t forget to introduce yourself on the New Members’ Check In!

Hi Seenie , I am feeling better this pm .I'm glad I have the day off from work to rest and relax and not have to be at my best at work .It really helps to know others know how I feel when I just feel "yucky" all over . I have introduced myself and have already communicated with some new people .I am really happy to making some new friends.

This place has been a godsend - a plethora of knowledge, a good laugh when needed, and sympathetic ears. Welcome.

Hi Soreiasis! You will get so much good advice and encouragement here. I joined a few months ago and these people have been of great help getting me past my fear of biologics. I am now waiting to receive my first Enbrel shot, which I hope happens next week. If it wasn't for finding this site in March I probably would be really depressed right now because my PsA has just taken a wild ride through my body--something I never anticipated would happen to me! It is especially nice to have people who understand what you're going through when you have a flare and just need to vent! I, too, hope to be able to help others as much as these people have helped me. :-)