Hey check out this interveiw I did with culture mag. about living with PsA


Good for you for speaking out about using medical marijuana, and that it is helping you so much. If it became legal in New York, I would seriously consider using it for pain relief. But I wouldn't use it alone. Without using disease modifying medications, the joint damage will simply progress. For some people this is slow, and I have been lucky enough that mine is fairly slow ON meds. But others would be completely crippled without the use of disease modifying meds.

I'm looking forward to having medical marijuana be a legitimate option in New York. To me, this can be a very reasonable part of treatment of the pain associated with PsA.

Thanks for sharing.

Nice thanks for looking let me just correct one thing… I have to use Embrel injections weekly or I couldn’t walk. I use MMJ in addition with all my other treatments …the med that did not work for me was methotrexate.


Thank you for bringing this up on the site. I hear everyone talking about natural treatments, but no one wants to approach this subject. I too have used MMJ in the past, but have now moved, and no longer have (safe) access. I do not normally bring up this subject, because most people find it hard to believe that it could help them. I now have to take Hydrocodone twice a day for pain. I feel MMJ would be much safer over the long haul. I admire you for bringing it up. I have been on enbrel and now on humira, they may help prevent damage, but they do nothing to help me get moving and lead a life without constant pain, so I take the pain meds.

I would so use it if it came to Kansas. I have to take humera shots every 10 days and psin pills
Or i couldnt function.

Half your luck for living somewhere where medical marijuana is available. I live in Australia where it's still not accepted, so forced to get from illegal sources (which is not always possible nor is it comfortable - always careful who I speak to about it and feeling like I'm doing something wrong). I do only natural treatments (occasional over-the-counter pain killers) but other than that I use mj for pain relief, for getting me moving and to help me sleep (I'm used to a very active life so this also saves me from depression when I get overwhelmingly tired and days where I simply can't function due to pain). Have lived with chronic pain for more than 5yrs and xperienced severe side effects from Sulfasalazine and Leflunomide 20 when first diagnosed almost 3 years ago - since then gone completely natural.
ps. Just had xrays done - no further damage evident - so for me natural is the only way (not for everyone though, it's a personal choice)

It all comes down to our individual rights to make our own decisions and it is up to the individual to make their own choices.

In my opinion it is very important to understand all the risks and consequences before deciding on trying this option for pain relief.

There is a 40% higher risk of getting lung cancer from smoking Cannibis than from smoking Tobbacco. Combine the two together which many do and the risks become higher.

Who said anything about smoking cannabis we have come a long way in the cannabis industry and Edibles are amazing !!!they shut the people up that are so narrow minded and think that cannabis can only be smoked. Do your Reaserch b4 you comment.

John Mac- Most people do think of marijuana as being smoked, without realizing necessarily just how many different forms it is now available in. That's actually one of the many reasons why I'm waiting for medical marijuana to be legalized in New York, to have legal access to different formulations.

Yes I know I wouldn’t advise anyone these days to consume MMJ buy smoking it. NYC will hopefully have MMJ acess one day. I would get involved in the ASA and find out what you could do in your area about safe acess
I have a mom in NJ with MS & no acess even thou she lives in a state with MMJ. Lucky 4 me I live in Berkeley CA so I’m at the center of the MMJ movement & a registered legal medical canabis patient with acess to all forms :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing.