Help! Terrible hip and low back pain

I am having terrible burning and pain in the area just above my hip on my low back. It moves from one side to the other hourly. Today I can barely stand more than a few minutes. The pain doesn’t feel like it is int he hip joint proper, just pain radiating from it and up the side of my back.

I am taking Enbrel and 5 mg prednisone a day. The prednisone has a history of making my low back hurt, but this is different. It started a few days ago after being on my feet all of last week.

It hurts and burns. Is this from PsA or a side effect of the meds, or something else. Help, please!

Hey Tamac, obviously I can’t diagnose anything, but after you were on your feet all day, were your muscles very sore / tight across your lower back?

I’ve had a few instances where overdoing it severely seems to have led to enthesis inflammation that the PsA kept going on a feedback loop and led to burning pain and muscle spasms. Can you get to a PT quickly to get this checked out? Just receiving the muscle spasm made a huge difference to me, and sent the feedback loop in the opposite, calming direction.

The back pain is still bad, but it seems to be muscular. I sent my doc and email earlier in the week while I was home from work lying on ice. He emailed me back later and said it sounded like muscle spasms…duh. I told him I was already taking Robaxin, so he called me in some Zanaflex. I picked it up the next day, but Zanaflex and I don’t have a good history. It was 4mg pills. I broke one in half and took it. I woke up about 6 hours later. they knock me out. It seemed to help my back, but I can’t take them at work, so I had to stick with the Robaxin during the day.

Doc is going to take some x-rays next visit to check for stenosis. Meanwhile, I am still dealing with back pain.

I had to spend a lot of time on my feet the previous week, I think that stirred it up.

Hey Tamac, my constant pain is lower back. There are times when laying down is all you can do. If I sit in a chair it feels like a burning pain ache. Standing has not been a n issue for me but sitting when my symptoms are being really bad just came be done for the any amount of time. The hip pain I experience is more sporadic but laying while sleeping when it is aggravated interiors my sleep and I cannot lay sideways either side. The pain is roughly around the socket and it feels like a deep pointy pain.Burning is a good description.

I am trying to get off the prednisone because it can cause low back pain and always has with me. I am trying a new things called and Oska that uses pulsed magnetic waves. I’ll let everyone know if it works. The PsA is getting to where it makes my low back and large muscles above my hips on the sides if I have to stand all day.