Hello, nice to have found you

Hi, I’m 57 and newly diagnosed and been on the hunt online to learn more, glad to have found this group. I’ve spent the last 2.5 years taking aromatase inhibitors (AI) after a bout with breast cancer and blaming the AIs for all the bone and muscle pain I experienced. While stopping them made a big difference I still had pain, extreme fatique etc etc. GP diagnosed fibro and was committed to treating me for it, but it never rang true. New blood work and x-rays by rheumatologist resulted in PsA diagnosis last week.

I have no psoriasis and am kind of stunned by the diagnosis. I do wonder and worry that psoriasis isn’t far behind. Currently taking Otezla (humera and enbrel are no good due to prior cancer). There is no family history of psoriasis or PsA but I do have a daughter who has a rare genetic auto-inflammatory disease. I blamed it on my ex for years, guess that argument doesn’t work anymore!

I read that stress can also be a trigger and wonder how much the last 10 years of taking care of aging parents til their deaths, being a single parent, breast cancer and recent unemployment has contributed to it all. I keep telling myself “this year (2015,2016,2017) will be a better year.” Aye yi yi, I now hate when others say that!

I recently fell twice in England. Once outside Buckingham Palace - I swear it was just a bad curtsy! And then really badly outside the House of Parliament - any political overtones in these fall locations is purely coincidental ;-). Now I have a really really bad right foot, hyperextending left knee, sprained wrist and who knows what elbow.

I’m heading off to NYC next week and am scared of navigating the travel with weak ankles, foot in a boot and less than perfect strength. Am I destined to be on meds for the rest of my life? Not really liking being me much these days. Prior to breast cancer in 2015 I never took a pill or had a health issue beyond a cold. Feeling old and fed up with fighting the fight. Hoping to gain understanding of the disease and coping skills from this group.

Thanks for listening - Beth

LOL! But ouch ouch ouch and so sorry you’re still suffering as a result.

I’m in the UK, born in London, have never knowingly seem Buck Palace for real, ever, though I must have glimpsed it. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll continue to stay clear.

You’ve been through so much, no wonder you are feeling weary and fed-up. I very much hope there are better days ahead for you. We’re glad you’ve joined us Beth.

Hi Sybil, Thanks for the response. Nice to have someone understand and be supportive as the few people around me that know seem to think this is just aging arthritis and I should just ignore and get over it. I would tell you you’ve missed nothing at Buck Palace. I was there 15 years ago and the city was fabulous, now it’s so crowded with so much construction and road obstacles that it was a nightmare. I do hope NYC is easier to navigate as I go limp to see high school friends not seen in 40 years!

Welcome too. And please enjoy that friends’ reunion in NYC. I’m in the UK as well. I loved your introduction.

Are you likely to be on meds for the rest of your life? Mostly likely but you’ll find they capacitate you and that is just so much better. So the meds become your best friends and they’ll certainly help ensure you like you again. The trickiest bit is finding the ones that work for you.

The best coping skill I found was a) being on here and b) also taking care of the emotional part of me. That certainly helped more than anything.