Hi! Wow, it has been a long time since I was here! Time just slipped away from me. I took a short summer break from homeschooling and I finally had some time to stop by. How is everyone? I would love a short update from you all. I’m going to take the time to read past posts to get up to date.
I’m doing well. I’ve been off a biologic for 8 months now! The only medication I am taking is topical creams for psoriasis and as needed tramadol. I’m very happy with this! I also workout 5 days a week plus walk in the evenings. My pain level is dropped significantly with the occasional pain from activity or weather. If I don’t exercise the pain comes back by the evening time. It’s a constant routine but it is working for now. My psoriasis is not good. My hands are constantly peeling and painful. I need to see my dermatologist but I keep putting it off. I have an appointment with my rheumy next month for a 6 month check up. Blood work and xrays to make sure there isn’t damage from staying off the biologic. I’m excited to see those results, either way.
Hi Amie! What great news. It’s truly amazing how things have turned out because if I remember rightly your PsA was not always easy to control and you had a lot of pain to contend with at times.
It’s a shame that your psoriasis is not good but all in all … just wow! So glad you’re still being monitored and I hope the x-rays are reassuring.
And it’s great to hear from you. Great too to hear about this particular chapter in your life (still hoping it turns out to be a whole book!) because it’s definitely different and uplifting too.
Hey there, stranger! I was just thinking of you the other day. So glad you dropped by, and even “gladder” that you’re doing OK. Ps sucks, yes, but wonderful that your joints are (hopefully) holding their own.
I’m doing well, still on Humira, still sore feet from the damage, but keeping busy and more days than not, life is good.
Sybil, Hello!!! Yes my PsA is very painful with little evidence. One of the invisible diseases, truly. There have a been a few days where my pain was off the charts. Sometimes I wonder if it is lack of daily pain that sets off the one day of bad pain or if I over did something. Even though things are going well I still count my spoons everyday and work within limits. Sometimes it is a tiring routine and I do get bored with it at times. Yes, still being monitored. My Rheumy wasn’t going to let me go on without him! A check up next month with a full blood work up and full body xrays. He wants to make sure there isn’t new damage while I have been off biologics. I also agree with this. If there is damage… back on biologics.
Seenie, Hello!!! Hi! I think about you from time to time as well. My joints are giving it the old college try. There are good and bad days. Seems my knees still hate me. I still have Patellofemoral pain and will always have it. I use knee braces while working out. I also found I have severely flat feet. I found some othro insoles to add to my shoes. Really helps! The down side is I cant take them off for more then a few hours or the pain returns. I can hear the bones popping back into the “flat” structure. I am considering seeing a foot doctor.
Glad to hear you are doing well!! Humria still working like it should? It’s always hard when your feet or back is impacted. It limits your life! I’m glad to hear you are still truckin along.
My son just turned 7 two days ago!! He’s not so little anymore. Almost as tall as me. (I’m short.) It was a happy and sad birthday for me. He’s not a little kid anymore and I can see it. I miss the little kid snuggles and playtime. Though this new chapter is fun too. We are leaving for a beach vacation today. My son likes vacations instead of parties, which is fine with me! He is very smart, so smart we need to get him tested. High IQ. it’s hard to keep up with him but I manage. I need to be healthy for him!
But cookies and wine are my favorites…
Have a good weekend and I will check back once I am home!