Have you tried/are you currently taking Xeljanz?

Have been on it for two years but my cholesterol is now high at 7.7 and my rheumy has warned me about the clot risk. Researched it and note that this drug has now been banned in Australia due to the clot risk but obviously not in the UK. Scared about both clot risk and don’t want to go onto statins as am already taking several other medications. Have panicked and stopped the Xeljanz twice for a couple of weeks but the pain then goes sky high so I start it again. Would welcome anyone sharing their experience with Xeljanz please. Should I be asking my rheumy to go onto another biologic? I know we are all individual but which one works best for you? Any advice welcome. Thanks in advance. :}

Your rheumy should be thinking of Rinvoq instead. I’m in the UK and my PsA rheumy wouldn’t ever prescribe xeljanz for me but would prescribe another JAK inhibitor which doesn’t have the now well known side effects of xeljanz and that would be Rinvoq instead.

Appreciate this recommendation - have contacted my rheumy and suggested I switch over to this as am v worried about all the reports of Xeljanz side effects.

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I recall when I was put on Rinvoq that my rheumy called xeljanz the trial run and Rinvoq was tweaked to get the bugs out. I don’t think that xeljanz would even be considered anymore considering the potential side effects.

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