Has anyone heard of Advocare?

I have this friend that is trying to talk me into using this product called Advocare. Just wondering if anyone has heard of it, tried it.. can we even take it given all the medication we are on?

NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!

Its a multilevel marketing company started by a herbalife reject. You may or may not remember the great Olympic swimmer Jessica Hardy who medaled a couple of times last summer. She could have medaled many MORE times ate her peak in 2008 had she not been booted for life for Performance Drugs. It turned out they were tainted supplements from Advocare. (clenbuterol) She was reinstatedwhen it was clearly an accident

I can not imagine ANY benefit to this stuff except for the person downline making the money. The company also offers financial softtware. Its making the rounds in the churches in a lot of areas.

You shouldn't take ANYTHING without checking with your doc...... Natural/unnatural it all can interact. My father in law spent a week in intensive care (and damn near died) from eating Fennel Seed for gas (something he had done for years) It reacted with one of his heart meds......

Is this friend also SELLING Advocare? If so, is this friend then looking out for your best interests, or hers?

I think what Lamb says makes sense. Esp. about always checking with your doc before taking anything. As he pointed out, some pretty awful interactions can happen when you take some of the seemingly most innocent things.

Dittos to what Pet and Lamb said.

Yes she is selling.. and I told her I would NOT take ANYTHING without clearing it with my dr and my pharmacist 1st.. (MY pharmacist has caught things and told me about reactions with other meds more so than my dr)

My brother-in-law works at a vitamin store and has tried to get me to try stuff before, (which says "all natural") but I am still very weary about taking ANYTHING..